Stroking CUB


I am not sure if this is a thing to post about, but I am a little excited, as I earned my first CUB!


and even better, there is a night mode


As you can see, the APR is currently "a little unrealistic" as the contract has just opened and the 4% fee is a lot, but it will be used to buyback CUB and bLEO, so I am okay with it at this point of the game. Mostly...


Because I didn't get in with the LEO pools earlier and felt that I was missing out, but it was already too late. I actually didn't start getting into any of the DeFi game until the last month or so, and have been using PancakeSwap with CAKE-BNB as well as the syrup pools with CAKE as a single side.

With the LEO announcement of the release of CUB and the coming airdrops, I FOMO'd and put in a lowball buy order that I don't expect to clear, but then found out that I could already stake on the platform.

This is running on the Binance Smart Chain and there is a "den" for wBNB. The only problem is, I have never wrapped anything before and had no idea how to do it. Thankfully, someone who is not an idiot (@abh12345) directed me to the exchange where I could swap BNB for wBNB very quickly.


From there, it was just a matter of navigating to the dens, finding the tile for BNB, approving the contract and then adding some stake into the pool. It only took a couple minutes from the transfer of BNB from Binance itself, to getting it staked and with the APR currently so high, it was only a couple more minutes until I had my first and then second CUB in hand.

And now my 7th


As said, I FOMO'd a little and I really wanted to get in early, even though I am quite confident that the token price will fall once the airdrops hit the wallets, which is why I am also looking to buy some.

At the moment though:


Yes - that is a price of about 3.50 per CUB. Since I am experimenting with this at the moment, I harvested and then converted back into BNB, which was done through the exchange again in the same way as wrapping the BNB above. I am not sure if this is something to announce, but I may forever be able to say that I am among the first to dump CUB. Though the transaction is pending, which I assume is because there are no buyers - can they buy?

Still learning.

I hope my buys go through later though and I might add some more, as I would like to get into the Farming side of things and be an LP - but I need some CUB for that in order to do so. That means buying it, earning it or getting it from the airdrop. The drop shouldn't be too far away.

So yeah, this is now a thing on LEO, which joins other things on LEO and hopefully, more things to come on LEO.

I guess this qualifies as a LEO post.

Note 1: If you have any questions about how any of this works, please leave a comment and hopefully someone who knows will answer it.

Note 2: The sell transaction failed. Like my last four years in crypto, I have failed to dump.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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