Scared to the Bone

A few weeks ago, I walked into the office and my PC was off. Weird. Started it up and.... nothing. Unplugged and replugged, tried again, and it started up. All good and I go about my day, until less than five minutes later, it switched itself off again.

Power supply.

I am annoyed.

Well, most likely, power supply. After about 20 attempts trying different things, I decided I wasn't going to fix it as it is under warranty still, so I took it to where I bought it from. They said they would send it to another city and it would take three weeks to have a look at it. Three weeks!!

I said no.

Took it to a local repairer.

It scares me to my bones.


Because, despite me trying to be careful and everything being passworded and accounts like my Trezor requiring the physical key, it is very easy to miss something and giving my PC to computer nerds who probably know what they are looking at, is worrisome.

So much so, that before taking it there, I considered just buying a new PC.

But they are ridiculously expensive at the moment.

Less than losing my wallets though.

Still, I took the risk and crossed fingers hoping my security hygiene was good enough. And, after a week and a half of testing and a few phone calls in between, they could not only not find the reason for the issue, but they didn't experience the issue at all. The PC ran for days with no events.

Damn it!

Not that I want to pay for repairs, but it is also frustrating as I know there is something wrong with it. However, I still haven't tested it, even though I picked it up a couple days ago, as I just haven't had the time to set it up, meaning that I want to clean a bit first - and I haven't had the time to do that yet. Our office is a mess.

I am on my work laptop, which only has access to some functions, as I do not have complete control of who has access to the PC - the IT Team have too. But, what has been interesting is how "out of sorts" I am as my digital habits are built around my personal PC, and without it, I am at a bit of a loss. I don't have all the sites I use memorized and these days, even the ones I use commonly don't spring to mind, as I am so used to having them in an open tab.

It has also heavily disrupted my Hive activities, as everything feels a "bit" different and my normal processes don't flow. I don't learn so well or fast, so I forget to do things or, when I normally would do something, I end up doing something else instead. It is very easy for me to get sidetracked.

Look, a bunny.


I am going to try and get things set up properly this weekend so I can get back into the groove, as I don't like the constant feeling that I have missed something. Would also be great to get the entire office set up, but that is going to take a lot more time, and money.

I guess the "good news" of having my PC tested is that it only cost me 20€ (as long as they didn't steal my crypto), as that was their diagnosis fee, no matter how long the spent on it. And, if it isn't a physical problem, it now puts it in the realm of an update issue, or perhaps a faulty peripheral or USB dongle. Fingers crossed it was some kind of strange anomaly and I can just get back to normal.

What are the chances?

Does anyone else have rational security fears like this?

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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