Return to Earth

I keep upping my Splinterlands assets - but I am not sure why yet. Sure, there is the "promise of things to come" in terms of development, but is it really going to do amazingly? Well, one thing is for sure, it is doing something, unlike so many of the other projects out there and I like that they are growing their team out and looking to add roles like HR, though many firms call it "People and Culture" now, which I think might be a better fit for a crypto startup anyway.


That is actually a funny little quirk of crypto projects, where even though we are constantly talking numbers and resources, it is all centered around people and a culture of ownership and responsibility. No matter what happens to Splinterlands tomorrow or ten years from now - no one has forced me to take ownership of any of it, which means - I pay the costs incurred.



I just upped the "pre-costs" a little as I added another 3500 SPS into the staking pool, which means that I am getting around 64 a day from the APR which is now below 35% a year. At the current price of 11.9 cents, that is $7.60 worth a day, or if remaining steady for the last 176 days of the airdrop, 1337 dollars worth. But, I don't think it is going to remain steady all of that time and, I am going to be adding more to it through the pools too, so I am still hoping to add another 120 to 190K in that time, as I would like to get to about the quarter million mark.

Why? I still don't know, but I suspect that SPS is going to play a major role in the future of Splinterlands tokenization, so it is best to have some - just in case.

It was end of the season today too, which means rentals were up and they were looking pretty good, all things considered, but nowhere near the levels they were pre-CHAOS LEGION release, where at the end of the season I was getting upward of 150% on the year. Remember, this is only for a day, so it isn't as lucrative as it sounds, but still, it is a nice little bonus and everything I put for rent, rented.


Currently, 27,000 DEC is worth about 85 HIVE, which is ~80 dollars. That sounds like a decent amount for a day and it is, but my current card holdings are worth a lot more than that, but I suspect that it will average to perhaps 8-10% a year at current prices, which is significant - but will mean a 10 year return on that card value. I am well down in regards to what I have invested on the value of my cards in regard to CHAOS LEGION, but I still see this as a long game, so I am not too concerned in this regard, yet.

As the saying goes, put your money where your mouth is and for me, this is part of my investing into what I use strategy, as I think that utility is important. If I am using it, I want to own it, or at least partially own it these days, rather than be a forever renter who is always subject to market fluctuations. In Splinterlands I do rent of course as I have a limited deck to play in Diamond and Champions Leagues, but I am able to offset the costs with renting what I don't use.

I have always struggled with diversity of value, but this is now more about consolidation into what I think is going to have value in the future too, plus I like to play. This means that even when I buy cards that might not be "worth it" as an investment, if they are worth it for me to have a better gaming experience, that is good enough. I have enough other game assets to make up for a few in-game nice-to-haves.

For example, I maxed my Epona last night and bought a Spirit Druid Grog, a card I haven't even played before. Epona is all earthly smiles and full of promise - whereas Grog brings a little death into play, reminding us that 6-foot under is where we will all return. I think though, that I can find a "usecase" for them and I am looking forward to getting back into some games tomorrow, after all my rentals have been returned.

It is like a "Hot or Not" comparison. Which way will you swipe?

I am pretty screwed in the "no legendaries" rounds, but this season I feel I will be able to get into Champion League okay, so I plan on playing a bit more and testing out come card combinations to see if I can compete against some of the top players from time to time. I tend to get some decent wins in, but I am still far too inconsistent and with my missing Splinters, the "wrong" ruleset can mean that I may as well surrender - but I never do.

Roll the Dice I say!

And it is all a roll of the dice really, isn't it? No matter what project we back, the largest influence is always going to come down to a good dose of chance. In hindsight, it is easy to write the narrative to say why things went so well or so poorly, but up front and personal, there is a fair bit of finger-crossing involved. Everyone likes to feel like a trading guru, and then blame others when it all goes south.

This all might go south, so don't follow me, - make your own decisions in life. But, if you do follow me, we might very well see some amazing things and fly in the clouds together - or feel the cold sand at the sea floor, after going down with the ship. It is hard to say at this point which way it is going to go - but much to the annoyance of my wife at times, I don't mind paying the consequences of my actions, as long as my actions aren't forced upon me.

Opt-in or Opt-out.
Here, we get to choose.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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