CUB UI for a little more DeFi

For the first time I think in about a year, my daughter is spending the night away with her grandparents, so my wife and I can get up to mischief. So far, we have emptied the loungeroom of furniture to renovate, I have invoiced my clients, paid outstanding bills and my wife is getting ready upstairs - to apply for a tax rebate.


We know how to have fun.

My wife actually wrote in the card she gave me for my birthday the other day, that she had arranged for our daughter to be away. Silly me assumed that we might do something that didn't involve the banking system. Well, I guess I can spend the evening staring at CUB pools slowly tick over.

I want to put more in, but I kind of feel that I should hold off, even though the returns are what I would conservatively are insane. At the moment, I think I have take a "conservative" approach, with CUB-BUSD, CUB-BNB, USDT-BUSD in the LPs - and CUB, WBNB, CAKE in the dens.

This is attracting a little CUB a day, which I feel is insane, but on Monday, this will drop as the inflation created per block will move from 3 to 2, with the following Monday a week later seeing it drop from 2 to 1. It is all moving so fast, I can hardly keep up.

What I would like to see to help in this area, is a couple changes to the UI-

  1. "My Pools and Dens"
    where it is possible to see a tab for "My Pools and Dens", so it is possible to see staked pools grouped together, with a harvest button for all or individually.

  2. The total value of holdings
    It would also be great to have a totals view to see what is going on there and where it is. It could have options for display currency, for example, CUB, BNB, USD etc.

  3. Average APR
    It would be brilliant to be able to combine the totals in the pools as well as the average APR, so it is then easy to see an overall rate. I think this would be very useful to get a visualization on overall performance and could encourage more people to get into the pools.

I saw on PancakeSwap that they have point 1,


but I think that the Leo Finance team could add some additional tweaks to their platform to offer more than the others, who have cut and pasted. Everyone who is involved in this kind of thing loves the numbers and the investment feedback, so gamifying it further makes the experience sticky also, not just the potential for monetary gains. I think the ability to differentiate experience over the others has a lot of value in being able to attract and hold the attention of the users.

The last thing I would like to see added.

4.. A signup page
There is a link to the Leofinance blog, but I think it would be useful to also have a link to a signup, so that as new non-Hive users come into the platform, they can start exploring and become LeoFinance users as well.


At the moment, the Total Locked Value is above 11.5 million dollars worth, but in the coming weeks this could change enormously if it gets a little bit of traction, as these things tend to snowball very fast. Pancake Swap has 4 billion locked on it. What this means is that it doubles as an onboarding gateway into the greater ecosystem to not only attract investment value, but also show how that value can be used now and in the future. It is a great opportunity to introduce investors to all kinds of community projects and let them see that Leo is not only known, it doesn't stand alone, it has a very large and active community supporting it. Will they invest a little more?

Right, they are my suggestions for today and now, it is back to doing my half of the tax rebate stuff, hoping that my birthday present will be that my wife does it for me.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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