passive income-journal: passive is not inactive

Hello Saturday-Savers and everyone else who is interested in finance and crypto!

This time no update on my portfolio, because firstly I think it would get too boring, secondly I want to react about a few comments I received on my postings before.
Obviously there were no hate-comments. Thank god hive is quite nice and moderate in general.
Still I figured, some people might get me and my doings here on hive a little bit wrong. Or at least they don't see behind the curtain. In this blog-entry I want to show you what's behind! : )
The comments I referenced were like: "wow, such great passive accumulation" "interesting how you build up passively on hive" and so on...
Of course these comments are all true. At least I named my blog series "passive income-journal".
But what I think remains unseen, is the fact that building a PASSIVE income machine needs ACTIVE work.
I started my hive journey with the splinterlands spellbook grinding in bronze and silver for two years playing daily with just a few exceptions.
I am putting all my tokens to work by staking.
Trying to figure out what the best projects are to delegate to or buy their income tokens.
Daily curating my favourite content and participating in raffles.
Weekly blogging...

Long story short: quite some work to achieve my goals!
Therefore I am extremely happy, when my content gets appreciated by the community.
Feels really good! Big thanks to all of my readers, commenters, upvoters, tippers and so on! <3

See you next week with an update on my portfolio!


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