Prices of all items are increased due to Eid al-Fitr

Hello Friends,

I hope you are fine and must be enjoying with your family and friends.

Let me tell you about the current situation of markets in Pakistan. As you people know, the Muslim's religious day called "Eid Al-Fitr", which we are going to celebrate on 3th May 2022, on this day people meet their families, relatives, and friends. On this special day, the forgot all the previous sorrows and frustrations and enjoy the 3 days with happiness 😊 and calmness.

As you know, the prices of all the things are directly proportional to their demands. So far, the prices of each and everything are increasing day by day as the days are coming to near the Eid.

All the day, the markets are full of people who are doing their shopping for this special day

The prices of the "clothes" are up to the sun 🌞
The prices of the "shoes" are up to the Moon 🌝
The prices of the "jewelry" are upto the clouds 🌨️
The prices of the "food" are up to the mountains 🏔️
The prices of the " cosmetics" are up to the sky.


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Most of the people in Pakistan are middle class, they hardly meet their basic needs. So it is very difficult for them to purchase their suits, shoes, food and other households due to the current situation of prices that are increasing day by day.
some people belongs to elite class are capable of purchase these things easily.

But there must be standards of increasing and decreasing in prices. Unfortunately there are not here 😞.
Govt must take serious actions against these ups and downs. So that the middle class people can also live their lives according to their needs and wishes.

I have noticed that alot of people wear their old clothes on this special day. But it is very sad 😭 to see those people. It is all about the prices that are increased.

I wish the happiness of all people in Pakistan as well as for the people living in other countries. I would recommended you to help those needy people on special occasions so that They can participate and enjoy their lives in these happy days.

Hopefully you will enjoy reading my story and do upvote and comment on my post. Your vote would be highly appreciated 👍

Thanks alot

About Author
Sulemanlodhra is software engineer and crypto trader, loves photography and helping others.

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