What might a dollar be worth for you?


Here is the amount of Venezuelan bolivar that you would need to equal just one dollar 💵.

Let that sink in....

This is the effect of devaluation of a currency for all to see. Where prices for goods can increase as fast as you can walk from the shelf to the checkout in a shop.

It can happen to any of us in the Western world. From the US to Europe and everywhere in between. With the rate of knots at which money is being printed by governments right now, we should all be wary.

I might pin this photo up somewhere as a grim reminder of what could unfold. To any of us. So I'll post here on the Hive blockchain as a good start.

The case for (certain) cryptos reinforced once again.

(I found this image randomly on Twitter so I'm afraid I can't give credit or verify whether this is accurate - either way it looks scary).

Not financial advice.

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