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It's 1 October - time to (further) hike UK electricity charges


Today is the 1st of October and it's a day that many Brits have been dreading - as it's the day that UK electricity prices are set to rise (again).

We've had intervention from the government over recent weeks to help quell the fear and impact on UK households as prices were predicted to go sky high.

The situation is now not as bad as it could have been but we're still going to feel the added financial pain this winter.

The government keeps on touting the slogan of the "max that UK households will pay is £2,500" which is a load of bull as it all depends on how much you use. This £2.5k figure is just the average!

In a house like ours (that has electric heating 🙈), we could have a bill of 10x the £2.5k if we blasted the heating - no chance of that this winter as we'll all be wearing extra jumpers 😔.

Our unit charge goes up to 36p per kwh from today. That's mad. I can remember it being around 10p not that long ago (and complaining then! 😂).

It's going to cost almost 10p each time we boil a kettle of water!

So we're going to have to carefully monitor our use of electricity over the coming months. It's like we're regressing as a society!

At least the environment should benefit from the reduced energy usage and will thank us!