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Banking 1.0 - The Legacy System has to stand aside


I've written previously about my car purchasing forays. So the time has come to actually finalise the purchase by transferring the funds.

The cash is there in my bank account so it should be simple, right?

Errr, no.

This is legacy banking 1.0. Where I need to search for a contact number for the bank (it's buried) as they won't let transfer the balance online (as it's over their meagre limits).

Lots of searching and I finally find the tel number. Then I'm left on hold....

Your call is important to us, thanks for waiting....

Aaargh that music too. The wait goes on for over an hour (yes, over an hour!). I try to get some work done with the on hold message and mind numbing music on loop in the background. It's painful.

Finally I get through and have to explain it all to the operator. Plus I have to cough up £25 as the transfer fee!

And I start to think.

But crypto has solved this problem. I could transfer Hive within a matter of seconds, and for free...!

This can't go on. The legacy system has to stand aside. It can't come soon enough...