Growing My Rising Star Account: CW14, 2024

Greetings, everyone!

Another week completed in my mission to grow my Rising Star account, with most of the objectives accomplished:

  • I bought another 36 new packs to expand my collection.
  • I made an extra 0.3424 HIVE for my savings account.
  • I've spent 156k STARBITS and I bought 70 various guitars to boost my music learning.
  • I bought 0.03 STARPRO and used it all to pay for guitar lessons.

I'm happy with the results of the last week, and I made good progress in closing the penalty generated by ego. My current penalty is at 17, with a gap of 218471 points (1243720 - 1025249), an equivalent of 125 guitar lessons.

I hoped for more HIVE for my savings account, but two weeks ago I decided to prioritize the reduction of the ego penalty.

I will continue this strategy and hope to see you next Friday with more news.

Have fun!

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