Sharing A Solid Play-To-Earn Blockchain Game Opportunity I'm Getting Into


All of those tiny dots are individual towns run by people all over the world. There are dozens of iterations of this map full of thousands of players each. It's truly magical to see the adoption in this format.


If you're looking for a fun way to earn crypto and in-game NFTs on the Ethereum network, I wanted to pass this tip along to those who catch this.

If you've been interested in exploring play-to-earn blockchain games outside of our beloved Splinterlands, this is one worth trying. Using in-game NFTs you own, you can generate lucrative crypto payouts.

When I first started, I was amazed at how many people were in the game and on the maps. There were so many towns, avatars, and real faces on the map. It was eye-opening for sure. I also heard the founder of Gala Games speaking about how moved he was that people in third-world countries are earning exceptional wealth from their NFTs, as they were driven early adopters who took advantage of the opportunity. ...This was what got me to stop everything and sign up to figure it all out.

Instead of a pitch here, I'll just explain what I've learned so far and encourage you to see for yourself. Once you unfold the layers and learn, you'll see that this is just the beginning as Gala Games is growing rapidly. Staying involved here and experimenting with keep your eyes and ears open for future opportunities on the chain. Much is around the corner and it's good to be involved as early as possible.


  • The game is called Town Star.

  • The main goal of the game is to build towns that produce resources for nearby cities, where you generate in-game income to build up more. You harvest resources, create energy sources, pay for labor, deliver goods, scale up, etc.. Using in-game NFTs enhances your productivity and qualifies you for strong ERC-20 cryptocurrency payouts. It's competitive, you get ranked, and their are tournaments you can get payouts in without owning the NFTs, etc..

  • To start, sign up for free on Gala's website. It requires a few common wallet setup steps as well. I'll not that it does require an email address and your name/birthday. I made a new free protonmail email for it and used something close to my birthday. I'll sacrifice a little privacy to get in on this.

  • In the interest of earning an NFT for from referrals and the starting point above, I'm including my sign-up link here. It's your choice to use it, but I'd be grateful if you did, and will explain why below.
Referral code for sign-up form: 61a1599cd85a3507665da644

  • The first season with 2 days left is FREE. After this, an NFT ticket will be required for season play to combat the bots and people abusing the system as the payouts have been lucrative for those who figure out the system early.

  • With this timeline in mind, I suggest jumping on a sign-up and using the game application to see how it works in the next 2 days. There is no cost to do this, yet you won't make any money immediately. Consider it educational. It didn't take me too long to make this quaint starter town and get halfway done with the daily quest, but I decided to slow down and educate myself more in the Discord community. If not, you'll likely need to have some in-game assets via Gala token, Ether, or BAT to get the season ticket.

  • I'm a forrest-based town in Africa!


  • An example of what a season's daily quest progress bar would look like in the game. If you have NFT's it'll show you the 1, 10, 25, 50, 1,000+ TOWN daily rewards you'll earn in your wallet by simply completing the quest. The quest is not hard at all if you build your town up. It can take just a few minutes when your economy is running. I believe that you'll need to start a new town every time a new season starts, but once your town is flowing, most of the season is simply farming yield!


  • The Discord has plenty of helpful people as the game economics were tricky for me at first.

  • While you can play for free now and complete quests, you can only earn the crypto in two main ways. First, if you get good at the game and place above a certain ranking in the tournaments, you get prize payouts are made in TOWN. This token is currently sitting at about $1.45 per token. The second way to earn in-game is by applying your Town Star NFTs to your town, combined with holding at least 1 Gala token in your Ethereum-based Gala wallet on their website. You can also sync this to Metamask by importing your keys, which was a breeze to do.

  • You can buy sold-out NFTs on secondary marketplaces such are OpenSea, but they in-stock ones are available in Gala's store on their website. The NFTs are a bit pricey as of late since they have such strong ROI, but people are buying them like mad.

  • Here's a super helpful current snapshot of the TOWN coin payouts per NFT once they're placed in your town. It's a shared Google document. TOWN Payouts Per NFT:

  • As you can see in the link, the lowest pays 1 TOWN, and this is the entry level to start earning. The way to get this is to buy a Gala Gold Pass. This pass is most easily bought with Ethereum by ordering it from their website. It was 0.012 ETH plus minimal gas fees of 0.00181 ETH when I did the transaction for about $56. I think that's worth it. Besides giving you access to beta testing and higher-level Discord rooms for sneak peeks, you'll get an in0game NFT you can deploy that'll give you 1 TOWN per daily quest. With town hovering around $1.45 now, I'd say that it's worth it for the long run. This NFT is also frequently resold on OpenSea for $150-$200 if you want to make a quick profit, as it's a special delivery truck gamers may want more than one of for their towns.


  • The other way to get payouts is to earn special fountain NFTs that pay out 8, 35, 50, and 75 TOWN once you acquire them for helping build the game community. The rumor is that 10-11 referrals who actually play the game in the app will get you a basic Alfa Fountain that earns 8 TOWN per daily quest. For comparison as to the insane value this yields, the lowest NFTs to buy that yield 9 TOWN and up are floating over $2,000 now. Yea, serious value for just a bit of grassroots hustle and enthusiasm for what can be a great way to learn blockchain gaming where people all over the world (who got in earlier) are making full-time incomes based on their NFTs producing TOWN payouts. The earlier adopters reinvested their TOWN into more NFTs and leveled up to earn numbers I don't want to fomo too hard thinking about. Good for them, especially those in underprivileged parts of the world. Also, the NFTs offer some increased utility and efficiencies in the game to increase gameplay and productivity.

  • You can also buy character skin packs on Gala's store, where individual rare ones are listed on places like Rarity for over 1.5 ETH each. Crazy, but also an avenue for the degens.

  • I'm not suggesting that you go drop thousands of dollars on NFTs for this game as their prices have surged, but I think it's a pretty solid idea to invest in the Gold Pass NFT to get some skin in the game. After that, referring people you genuinely want to introduce to the game will eventually get you a fountain that'll earn you 8 TOWN a day, and so on.

  • The best part is that there are endless tutorials on YouTube showing how to build strong towns that produce high outputs. They detail the tech trees and steps for the various types of places you can start your town on the world map. There are forests, deserts, plains, ocean fronts, mountains, etc.. Each have a specialized build. With tutorials everywhere, it's really easy to learn the game. The town I built above was without any videos, but once I watched some, I realized how to go about it better. During a season, you can easily scrap your town and start over. As this season ends in 2 days, I'll just keep what I have and prepare for the next one with the ticket I mentioned.

  • One other way to earn in-game is to purchase a node to generate TOWN, but that's too pricey for an introduction here.

  • You can buy Gala token on Binance, Kucoin, Coinbase (non-US), and OKEx, and Again, you just need one Gala in your wallet along with an NFT to start earning.

  • If anyone has any questions, drop them below.

The link again and my code below for anyone who may not mind helping me out in my cause here.

Lastly, hunt for more of these and get involved. You never know what airdrops may come to early players that can have earning potential, in-game utility, or strong resale value.

Any of you playing Town Star or Gala Games already?


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