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The Vishing Threat - Modus Operandi & How to Protect Yourself.

Technological development has some darker sides too. AI is latest one which is being exploited by many users for their advantages. While it is being used to search answer to blogging and now even the scammers are using it. While everyone is talking about AI and its various usage in different fields. The scammsters are not left far behind. They already started putting the technology for their advantages. Which lead to the introduction of "Vishing Scam" As technology advances, so do the tactics of scammers.


Seems the scammsters are a step ahead to put all the latest development for their use. Vishing is short for "voice phishing." In this method of scam the attacker attempts to grab the victim data and use it for their own benefit.

Vishing vs Phishing vs Smishing

It is important to understand that this new method of scamming is nomway similar to "phishing". In the classic case of phishing, the scamster used to send a fraudulent email or sms or messages to a recipient to get them to click a malicious link to divulge sensitive data. However in case of "vishing", scam execution is done through a voice call instead of email. Now scammers are using AI based technology to clone the voices to sound more believable, or even use text-to-speech to make it seem like the possible target are chatting or talking to a real person. ‘Smishing’ scams are similar but are carried out via SMS messages to.differrnt individuals.

Modus Operandi

Vishing Scam is currently affecting people across the world. This scams involve fraudsters using phone calls to deceive victims into revealing personal info or banking details. Through the use of AI technology, the scammers clone voices of a person to sound more believable, or even use text to speech to make it seem like you are chatting to a real person. this is an easy way to make their operation more efficient at deceiving people.

The modus operandi of vishing scams is to try and manipulate victims over the phone. The fraudster will pose as trusted individuals or representatives from legitimate organizations, such as banks, government agencies, or tech support services. Through the use of AI they even sounds like a close friend or relative from your contacts. This was done to trap the possible victim.

Vishing Scams Working Model

The fraudster follows detailed SOP (standard operating procedure) to make their victim falls into their trap. Here are few steps that were seems to be followed by these fraudster.

  • Scammers initiate contact through caller ID spoofing to make it appear as if the call is coming from a reputable source.

  • They appears to be quite professional in their approach, addressing victims by name, to sound credible.

  • Scammers create a sense of urgency or fear to manipulate victims. By sounding urgent, they aim to provoke the victimz for immediate action.

  • They may create urgency with regards to victim's bank account, taxes, or through some other ways.

  • The victims gets easily tricked into revealing sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, or online credentials etc.

  • The fraudster may pretend to be official of the concerned organisation, claiming that they need the details to resolve victim accounts issue.

  • In some cases, scammers convince victims to transfer funds or make payments, by pretending to be their friends or relative. (all credit to AI voice spoofing).

  • Scammers always request online payment transfers.

How to protect from "Vishing"

The only way to protect from.any kind of scamming is to remain alert and cautious. The more alert you remain the more safe you are. Protecting from vishing scams does not requires anything extra. It requires caution and vigilance to remain safe. However consider the following tips and putbit into practice to be more safe:

  • Remain cautious with unwanted phone calls. Especially if they are trying to sneak any kind of personal data from you.

  • Always keep this in mind that any legitimate organizations never ask for sensitive information over the phone.

  • If you receive a suspicious call, better to authenticate the caller's identity. Teuecaller is good apps in this regard.

  • Whenver you are trying to reach any legitimate organization , make sure to use the contact information from trusted sources, such as an official website. Beware of website imaging.

  • Never divulge sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, account number etc over phone calls.

  • Always remain updated and informed about all kind of scamming used by the fraudsters.

In the most recent of the case, one of my friend get tricked by these fraudster. He got a call from anonymous number, however his voices sounds like of his father. He pretended to met with an accident and wanted money for medical. My friends immediatelly transferrd the money on that mobile number and later realized the trap.

Sometime it's get hard to digest such situation. The fraudster plays with the victim's emotions. Better to cross check with someone before taking any action. We can avert scam only by being vigiliante.


Namaste @steemflow