Old Ways Won't Open New Doors.

We are blessed to live in an era, where technology is constantly evolving. Everyday we get to see some kind of innovation and technological advancement in certain fields. Just take an example of an evolving mobile phone market. From a heavier handset to pager, to thinner and sleek mobile design to foldable screens. We have so many option to choose from. All the development taken place overnight and everyday we see something new in the fields of telecommunication. All thanks to the contant innovation in the fields which makes the things quite possible. All these inventions are simply improvements on something older. The need is the mother of all innovation. And to make life easier, the scientist keep on researching new way to make life better.

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Nothing will changes.

Innovation takes place by adding functionality or improving the efficiency of something which are already in existence, and not from something out of the blue. A calculator is an improved abacus, steel is an improved iron, television is an improved telegraph and so on. There would be long list of items that keeps on evolving and developing over the years as per the needs and usages. People have always thought there was nothing new to invent, but that theory simply proves wrong from the definition of invention. This makes it very difficult to predict the limits of innovation. Invention keep coming from finding new ways to combine two separate concepts into one idea that improves a previous version.

Creativity is the way to go.

Who would have thought of driving car in auto pilot mode, or carrying a foldable mobile screen or the invention of electric vehicles. All these comes into existence as a result of necessity and demand of the situation. It may stand true that some technologies may reach certain limits in terms of their current capabilities. But in the fields of research and development new innovations and breakthroughs often emerge, driving progress in unexpected ways in every fields. For example, the introduction of #chatgpt and advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, biotechnology, and renewable energy are just a few areas where ongoing innovation is taking place. And we get to see some amazing evolution in coming days. Therefore, it is likely that the world of technology has not reached its limit, and there is still much potential for further advancements and development. There has been a limit to every technology we have ever discovered. May be the utility factor comes to an end but at the end, something new replace the old.

There could be many arguments or over this topic but by going with the universal rule "everything will comes to an end" certainly all the innovation too.

This is my Day 2 entry for Inleo writing prompt for the m/o April.


Namaste @steemflow

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