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My 7 Years Old Funding Own Birthday Celebration.

Next week is my daughter 7th birthday. She is very excited to celebrate it with grand. She already has a long list of friends, cakes, balloons, sweets and many other thing. Looking at those list anybody who has no source of income would be bothered, considering it asks for some out of pocket expenses. However I am not bothering at all. Neither, this time I am going to use my Hive to fund her birthdsy like I did on Diwali. The most interesting thing is that, this time she is going to fund her own birthday and get all the happiness she deserve.


Sounds weird, how a 7 years old fund own birthday?

Even nobody could agree with it, but I made it possible by teaching her the magic of saving. I sowed her the seed of saving and the benefits there since her last birthday. It was not celebrated due to some family demise. But I prepared her for this year grand celebration.

I mentally injected her the truth of saving. Rather than wasting her money on Chips or Candy, she started to save it. Well ocassionally I get her those stuff. But she always focus on putting her share in her small piggy bank. It was a toy I bought for her last years, and asking her to open it this year so that we have grand celebration. Even I am not aware, how much money saved but I belive it is enough to make a good celebration for her.

I wanted her to understand how little savings could wonder in life. Rather than wasting money on useless things if it can be put in best use then it brings good amount of happiness along with a satisfaction of own. Saving is must in everybody life. Some realize it too late but in India I belive most of the family started to teach their children the saving benefits since early days.

I am happy that my kid understand now how those little penny, has now becomes so big to make her birthday special. This is a great learning for her in coming days, and now she can count on herself how to put money to best use.

Peace !!

Namaste @steemflow