#askleo : What was your first job and how old were you?

We all have been working since long to meet our daily requirement or to earn our livlihood. Afterall at end of the day money matters. Not everybody is born millionaire or own a huge legacy. We all need to work for some reason or the other. Some wants to fulfill the daily needs, while some have medical emergencies, some have family to look after or some have great plans to achive.

image credit Razvan on facebook*

Someday we all start to think of our career and life and begin to step ahead in working field. Many starts at early age and many starts the earning life after completing the educational degree. Let's get into some flashback and recounts the time when you have decided to enter the working field to meet your requirement or to manage your own pocket money.

I began my earning at the age of 15+ while working for a fast food chain. It was wimpy restaurant known for its burger. I worked there as supervisor.

I took up the job after completing my basic schooling just for utilizing my spare time. I worked there gor 2 months. It was a good experince and I learnt a lot. It was in that organisation I learned about saving. I started to get bit extravagant when my Dad taught me the basics and importance of saving. So it remain my first job ever did in my life. Post that after completing my education, I worked for many organisation.

what was your first job, and how old were you at that time.??

Let's hear it together and share some interesting and important stuffs about your life.


Namaste @steemflow

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