$SXP elevator top floor


I remember looking at my phone about a week ago seeing $SXP trading for around 3.00 thinking wow that's a good buy. Fast forward to today and it's currently sitting at 5.46 on most exchanges. Over the last 24 hours it's made a low of 4.75 up a cool 20% over that time. I traded SXP about a year ago when it first came out and made some decent profits with it. I'd like to get back again but I'm trying not to diversify too much. Better to consolidate and go big than to spread yourself too thin is what I've had to learn over the years. Have to have conviction and confidence with your trades and if you're able to find that within yourself then it's best to go big. Put your money where mouth is that's the saying I always heard growing up. Here we are in 2021 and that's what I seem to be doing for a living. Let's see another level up shall we!?

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