RE: The Value of Engagement on the Hive Blockchain

Its certain hard to value other work when its original, although if someone famous post it lets say just "GM" and receives 1000k in upvotes and because of that post 10000 come in are you really upvoting for the quality of the content or because of the amount of users who sing up? , every content that can be post in Hive is art on their own field, writers, artists, musicians, vloggers, everything is an art to capture some ones attention, IMO content might be consider low quality when there is not much effort into it, post a link, post a picture you download, most cases its simple to consider this examples low quality but constant engagement in a platform like Threads has a different value and I would say it involves volume and interaction between the users I think quality goes out of the equation and gets replaced by interaction, thats just my opinion

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