When you don't have the money to save...

Even though it may seem like an insurmountable challenge to find money from an already limited budget to deposit into a savings account, there is hope. I'm here to tell you that there is always some "extra" money, even if it is just pennies to start, whether you have already set aside every penny or you are just beginning your journey to debt independence.

When you are struggling to make ends meet, the majority of your household's funds have likely already been allocated down to the last penny. Therefore, you should start by taking a look at your monthly budget while getting ready to set up a new savings target.

Your shopping budget is likely where you start looking, if you're anything like me. Families almost universally allocate much more money for food than they may actually need. Additionally, even if you do not have a huge budget, you could certainly shave $2 to $15 off that sum each month without it hurting too much. I realize that $5 per month doesn't sound like much, but it's a terrific place to start. Try raising the sum a little bit more after a month or two.

Since we're in 'warrior mode' right now, your financial commitment needs to be significant. I'm referring to leftover coins and spare bills, yes, including pennies. Every week, collect any loose change in your handbag and add it to your savings account. You can also inspect your car once a month.

Sell your excess stuff. Although selling goods online is nothing new, I'm still surprised by how few people use this fantastic technique. You can sell goods online for free, and it's a lot simpler than you might think. Selling is simple to accomplish and a great way to earn extra money to put into an emergency savings account. Finding items to sell is very easy if you need some quick money. Sell everything you don't use: home goods, sports supplies, exercise equipment, kids' clothing, dishes, and toys. People are searching for fast and simple bargains, which is ideal for those who want to save money but don't have any.

You must keep in mind that getting out of debt requires more than just repaying credit cards and loans; it also requires learning to live within your means. A new style of thinking must be learned. It feels fairly liberating to have a substantial savings account set aside to protect you from unforeseen expenses.


Gold and Silver Stacking is not for everyone.
Do your own research!

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Best Regards,


I am not a financial adviser. This article is not meant to be financial advice. My articles on cryptos, precious metals, and money share my personal opinion, experiences, and general information on cryptos, precious metals, and money.
All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone, unless specified.

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Hugs and Kisses πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™!!!!

I post an article daily. I feature precious metals every other day, and on other days I post article of general interest. Follow me in my journey to save in silver and gold.


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