American Liberty 2023 Silver Medal

The concept of liberty has been embodied by allegorical female characters on a wide variety of coins that the United States Mint has produced since it was founded more than 230 years ago.

The 2023 American Liberty Silver Medal is a daring illustration of the desire for American liberty's steadfast persistence, once again providing a fresh perspective. The concept of American liberty is celebrated in its contemporary forms.

Each medal is expertly made, individually wrapped, and presented in a black presentation box with sleeve.

A certificate of authenticity is also included.
The American Liberty Silver Medal for 2023 is produced with 99.9% pure silver.

The bristlecone pine, a species that is native to California, Nevada, and Utah, is depicted on the obverse design. This tree is believed to be the oldest living thing on Earth, with a lifespan of up to 5,000 years. Bristlecone pines are generally the first species to repopulate the area following cataclysmic changes like a lava run or glacial discharge because they can grow where other plants cannot. "LIBERTY," "WE SHALL PERSEVERE," and "2023" are inscriptions.

A young bald eagle perched on a rock just before taking flight is shown on the reverse (tails) of the coin with the inscription "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."

The American Liberty Silver Medal from 2023 will certainly make a bold statement in my collection.

A video from YouTube about the Bristlecone Pine


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