The Three E(s) of Success for social media with cryptocurrency rewards

3 E


  • The three Es like the three amigos are better altogether then separate, and like a single twig versus a bundle of twigs they are stronger together.
  • The three E are Engagement, Education and Earnings.


Engagement, Education and Earnings

  • One of the single biggest hurdles of new members of a community is a lack of visibility, and a lack of attention, leading to a sense of isolation and feeling like no one will ever find you and consume your content.
  • This is perfectly understandable as you are unknown and basically unseen. How can people be expected to find you, when they don’t know you exist?
  • However on social media you can leave comments on other peoples work. This is an opportunity for you to announce your existence, without announcing your existence. Your comment has your name and your Avatar. Your comments make you known. Realize that this engagement makes you known to others. But not just the person whose content you’re commenting on, but others who see your comment. Feel free to and pictures and make your comments polite, pleasant, annd memorable in a positive way. Engagement via comments gets your name out their and people will slowly interact with your comments and your content. Engagement makes the invisible visible, the unknown known, and the broke not so broke.
  • Don’t forget to use peoples name in comments. Psychologist say that the favorite word in someone’s native language is their name. We like to hear our name and see it in print. So use peoples names!
  • Be polite, use spellcheck, and check your punctuation!
  • You never get a second chance at a first impression. So put forward your best effort.
  • Remember engagement includes Comments, Upvotes and Twitter.
  • One way of engagement is to upvote someone’s post. But be aware that unless someone only has a few votes they will never know you voted for them unless your vote is one of the largest on their post.
  • Twitter mentions is another way to engage with people on InLeo. Many people here on Twitter so it is a good idea to find them, follow them and leave a comment stating that you are on Hive, and you are following them. Next upvote their Tweets and repost them with comments. This will get their notice unless they have hundreds of replies and reposts. They will be more likely to find your content on hive, vote and possibly comment. It’s not guaranteed. But it’s a start.


  • You need to invest sometime in learning how to earn rewards on hive. Understand upvotes, the 60/50 split, dust rewards, comment rewards, author rewards, curation rewards, and delegation. These are all ways you get paid.
  • There are Hive Learner communities and articles in the Thrive community to help you.


  • People ask me why this is one of the three paths to success. It’s because without some reward there’s no motivation.
  • A small reward is better than nothing, and if you take notes you should see a slow rise in profitability. Pennies become fines, dimes become quarters, quarters become dollars. Remember you can post everyday.
  • This becomes your cash generating machine eventually, even if you never earn from posting, you can reliably earn from upvotes and grow your income by reinvesting your rewards. !


The Three E’s strategy is a pathway to success in tokenized social media.

  • It is best explained like this;
  • Comments earn you income
  • Comments earn you recognition
  • Comments help you build friendships
  • Upvotes earn you income
  • Upvotes earn you recognition
  • Upvotes help you build friendships
  • Tweets which bring upvotes earn income
  • Tweets attract attention & earn recognition
  • Tweets can help you build friendships.
  • Earning from comments
  • Earning from upvotes
  • Earning from Tweets
  • E Education helps you understand the ways to earn more.

How to start?

  • Join the Consume Community Here
  • Add the tag #consume to your posts and threads via the INLEO interface

Below the Permalink Heading is the choose community selector, by choosing Consume and you will publish from INLEO which has 10% bonus, and you publish in Consume, so I and other community members can find your posts to engage with 😊😊😊

Support the Thrive Community with Delegations

Delegate HivePower to @cutecurator from your Hive Wallet.

Delegate LeoPower from your Leo wallet.

Follow @shortsegments on X Link

  • Thank you.
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