The Future of Decentralized finance: Layer 3 : one click investments: it exists now on

  • By now most people have heard of the narrative about Web 1.0 being read, Web 2.0 being write, and Web 3.0 being earn. But have you heard of Layer 3 Tokens?

Layer Three

  • This is the new narrative that says Layer 1 is tokens like Bitcoin or Ether which are complicated and hard to use, store and self custody.
  • Layer Two is side chains like Polygon for Ethereum or Lightning Network for Bitcoin, which do things faster and cheaper then Layer 1 blockchains.
    These are transactional layers with faster and cheaper transactions.
    But you still need to understand the mechanics of what is going on.
  • Layer Three is is the future of decentralized finance where the evolution of decentralized finance and cryptocurrency achieves EASY MODE.
  • Layer 3 tokens which don't claim to do a job faster or cheaper as their reason for existing. Instead they specialize in making things Easy. You pay a fee, you deposit tokens and then like magic a bunch of things happen in the background and a few minutes later or several minutes later your desired purchase shows up in your wallet.
  • Level 3 is an evolution where the User Interface hides all the complicated stuff and you just press a button and it happens.
  • This is the future of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance where you no longer need to understand the mechanicals, LAYER 3 just makes it happen. I call this EASY MODE.

Example of LAYER 3: the project called

  • Inleo has just rolled out to facilitate value transfers between Hive and major Layer One Blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC and USDT.
  • allows you to swap Hive for Bitcoin by connecting your Hive wallet {via Keystore and Keychain} and clicking a button. Then model of simplicity or LAYER 3 where things happen behind the interface, and you as a customer don't need to bother with those tedious Hows and Whys.
  • presents to the user a simple function swap Hive for Bitcoin, click one box. And while underneath this simple click box interface there is a complicated process going on, the User doesn't need to know about any of that, and many users don't want to know how it works, they just want it to work. Their Hive goes in and Bitcoin comes out.

How easy is it to swap Hive for Bitcoin?

  • The webpage allows you to connect your wallet via keystore, sign the transaction with Keychain and swap 1000 dollars worth of Hive for 1000 dollars worth of Bitcoin. You need to input the Bitcoin wallet address you want the Bitcoin sent to and press send, and that is it!
  • The backend does the rest.
  • That is LAYER 3 simplicity, no fuss and no muss.

Think about other complicated things that you don't have to think about how they work.

  • Think about it like turning on your car, shifting into first gear and driving away in your car.
  • You don't need to know about the starter, the engine, the oil, the air filter, the alternator or the powertrain or transmission. All you do is insert the key, turn the engine on, the car starts up, and then you drive away.
  • That is how Layer 3 of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance will work one day, BUT in many ways that is how works today.
  • To you it's a simple transaction.
  • But in the background your Hive value is being transferred via a the inner workings from hive to Swap.Hive to Leo to Arbitrum Leo to Cacao to Bitcoin, and Bitcoin is moving to your wallet.
  • But the beauty of Layer 3 is you don't need to know about these swaps and you don't care.
  • You only care that Bitcoin shows up in your wallet.
  • Just like with your car you don't care, you turn the key and drive off.

Welcome to the future of cryptocurrency Layer 3

  • I think the future of cryptocurrency, is in Layer 3 Applications, which I like to call; Easy Mode.
  • I think this is the mode which will facilitate mass adoption.

Last Words...

  • What I have described is what I believe the future of decentralized finance and cryptocurrency will loook like.
  • And I think what @khaleelkazi and TEAM have built on is one of the cryptocurrency applications of the future... which we can experience now.


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