PolyCub and Cubfinance; hold them or fold them

Cub and PolyCub prices down quite a bit from their all time high

Back ground:

  • Poker is a family of comparing card games in which players wager money or items of value over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings.
  • Fold Them: Sometimes if you are dealt a group of cards which are very weak and theres no chance of winning, so you quit without spending anymore time with the cards and this is called Folding.
  • It is an admission that your hand is weak, and it's best to give up and hope for a better group of random cards with the next game.
  • Recently some people have referred to their cryptocurrency bags in a similar fashion, deciding they are to weak to hold onto and selling them or giving them away, and moving on to a new project. This is also called "Folding" and is the opposite of the popular cryptocurrency trading strategy called HODL and in Poker is called "Hold Them".
  • Which brings us to the topic of this post, Cub and PolyCUb, hold them or fold them?



  • Cubfinance Cub is down at least 90% from it's All Time High price, depending on what ATH you use, and PolyCub token is down a similar amount also. Some people have decided to Fold them. as in sell and move on...
  • I understand completely the motivation people have to cash out and move on to other investments. The math of the price drop cannot be denied, and many are reporting they are "upside down" or "under water".
  • Both are forms of investment Trader Slang meaning their investments is worth much less now then it was initially.
  • My understanding of upside down means for example your 9 dollar investment is worth 1 dollar, or instead of the fraction 9/1 it's 1/9, which is "upside down".
  • Others are merely under water, as in instead of their token being worth the 4 dollar purchase price, it's worth 3 dollars. So instead of 4/4 it's 3/4. It's worth less then you invested, but not upside down, like 1/4.
  • While underwater is not as bad as upside down. It definately is not the place you want to find your self. And many wish they had sold when the price first dropped 10 percent, but such executions require strong discipline. It's easy to say sell after a 10 or 15% drop, then re-entered later.
  • This maneuver requires a combination of skill and luck. These trades seem simple on paper, but any honest trader will tell you that it's harder to do this in real life then it looks on paper.
  • There are so many emotions, so much volatility, things rarely go straight down, they ebb and flow, with a general down direction that is filled with up days, so it's easy to sell and find yopurself buying back later at a higher price. Plus it's hard to sell if you are close to the project emotionally, and quite frankly many of us here are very close to the project emotionally.

However there is another perspective to consider

  • I entered Cubfinance early and on paper the token has declined in value quite a bit from the ATH, so I have paper loss if I look only at the token price.
  • But my Liquidity Provider earnings have provided an over 100% ROI on my initial capitol investment.
  • So am I really unside down or rightside up?
  • Personally I have invested those earnings in stables and other tokens, which have generated income, and although the non-stables have also gone down in price, they also continue to generate revenue daily.
  • My point is that it's not as simple as token price a year ago, and token price now, success or failure. Because these tokens are not Bitcoin, these investments are money generating assets; as in little cash making machines.
  • This math is competely different from buy and hold math, it's more complicated, and harder at first glance to calculate your profit.
  • But if you have spreadhseets going back to the launch, then your compulsive personality has given you a completely different perspective, one of positivity.

Closing thoughts

  • I am happy with my investments in Cubfinance and PolyCub because my ROI is still positive, and I still view the project as one with a strong community, token utility, and continued development creating more utility.

  • Now would I be happier with one dollar Cub? ..of Course!
    But this is crypto, and what goes up, comes down, and vice versa.

  • Now will Cub or PolyCub ever reach their ATH again? The truth is no one can predict the future.. But experts agree that a **strong community, token utility, and continued development equate with value, and high value eventually equates with higher price.

  • And honestly speaking..I am enjoying the engagement, development and the history we are living through here together on Leofinance... plus I am earning Hive, Leo, Polycub and Cub daily. I am content to "hold them:, and occaisionally move my investments capitol around with minimal selling to earn more yield.

  • Lastly, I understand and sympathize with people who are underwater or upside down. Your experience cannot be denied, and the simple math of purchase price and current price math don't lie, and cannot be denied. But the daily daily liquidity providers earnings have been very good to me, and if you do that math, you may find out it has been good to you also.

  • So add to that the promise of a brighter tomorrow with this great community Leofinance, growing token utility, continued development and the increasing success of the yield sustainability efforts for the farms.. and the situation looks very promising.









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