INLEO: The Social Media Community, blazing a path into the future with the fire of passion and innovation.


The creator and development team of INLEO are blazing a path into the future of Social Media.

The creators passion and vision is social media reimagined.

Borrowing useful aspects from the user interfaces of the most popular social media projects in existence , and combining them with solutions for the biggest problems of the old social media legends.

These new solutions empower content creators and content consumers alike, giving them unparraleled access to finanical success, fun, and engagement within a energized community.

Social Media Reimagined.



What is social media?

  • Social media is a usually a internet webpage, where you can communicate with other people in and show them things like pictures, movies, music or other written communications.
  • The stuff which you share is called content .
  • The content you share is free for social media site owners.
  • The owners use your free Content to attract Content Consumers, who then view Advertisements and the Owners get paid.
  • But Content Creators and Content Consumers don't get paid.
  • The Content Creators don't own their Accounts and don't own their content.
  • The social media owners own the accounts and the content.
  • If content creators or content consumers break any rules they can have their accounts erased and content destroyed.
  • I am not saying this is bad or good, I am just saying this is what is .
  • This is the image and reality of social media in the past and present. - INLEO is a new image of social media in the present which also represents the future.
  • INLEO is social media reimaged.

What is INLEO?

A social media blogging platform which is on the internet, but also on a blockchain.

  • You get the benefits of old social media like short comments, long articles, pictures, videos, memes, cartoons and news.
  • You also get great new stuff: an account name you choose, an account you own, a place to store your content, and a chance to build a Brand, Your Brand.
  • An account which can't be closed, and content which can't be erased, except by you, because you own it.
  • This is a welcome change from the current social media applications, which are from the past.
  • This is the future of social media, and it exists now on INLEO.

Plus you can be a part owner of the social media application

  • INLEO offers you a chance to be an part owner of a social media platform.
  • You join, bring your friends and family, build your Brand on a platform you are a part owner of and when the platform does well financially, you do well financially.
  • You are no longer building someone elses platform into a big success. You are building your platform into a success. See the difference? It's not theirs, it's yours.
  • INLEO is the future of social media, today.
  • Are you ready?

Why INLEO is good for both content creators and content consumers.

  • INLEO is a 4 year old social media website with over a million accounts. So it is a great place to start building your account and brand as a content creator. INLEO is for you.
  • INLEO account ownership, content ownership, and content monetary rewards. All these features benefit someone who wants to build a brand and build a network of people who enjoy their content.
  • But it is also something more.

  • INLEO is also a place for content consumers to make money consuming content.
  • If you just want to enjoy content like news, memes, commenst, stories, music or videos, and you like the idea of upvoting this content to get paid..then INLEO is for you.
  • Upvotes or populary know as likes are gifts of cryptocurrency.
  • Yes, you can be paid to enjoy content on a social media platform, all day, every day.

  • INLEO gives you a choice; content creator or content consumer, or both.
  • You decide what you want to do, and there are ways for you to make money, friends and build a network doing either one or both of these choices.

Join INLEO today, it's free!

  • You should take a minute to create an account and then look around the application.
  • It is designed to work like current popular applications, so it is easy to learn and easy to navigate.
  • And when your ready to learn more..come back to my blog for explainer articles and how to articles, or join us on Discord and ask questions.
  • Come on in and look around.

Click this link to get started. LINK

Free Account No credit card information needed

There are no mandatory charges or fees to get started. You literally just click on sign up, enter the name you want for your account and you can be enjoying content and leaving comments in a few minutes.

Written by me and my account name is @shortsegments
Find me on INLEO and I will help you out with tips, tricks and answer questions.
I may not know everything, but I know where to find out.


About @shortsegments

Shortsegments is a writer focused on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, and decentralized finance for over fiveyears.

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