RE: Hive Killer Voice To Cease Operations: The Lessons To Take Away

The idea of having verification (KYC) so that there are only single accounts, in my opinion is a good thing, even though it is intrusive on identity or goes against the Hive's ideas of freedom, we should think about the following:

What would be worse? A person with 10 fake accounts gaining resources and farming in the hive, or an intrusive process in which you are only able to receive payments if you can actually prove that you are you and do not have any other account like yours?

These are interesting questions to think about, considering that large Hive projects (I'm more familiar with games) like Splinterlands, Golem Overlord and Rising Star don't allow bots or alt accounts.

Just like the author of the week votes: what if a person has 10 accounts and all 10 vote for him if he is participating? How can we validate this or justify this?

Anyway, I am 100% aligned with Hive and I am happy that we are still here firm and strong, while the "Hive Killers" cannot maintain themselves. Hive is the future!

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