RE: Why quality content is not always rewarded on Hive?

Your text was perfect! You analyzed several essential points for this subject and I'm also very happy that you liked the theme I suggested.

I believe that one point that really puts people off Hive is this frustration that many times they're going to write something, they're going to put a lot of time and effort into it and sometimes they don't get the value they want, I can say this because of our Brazilian community, we have countless profiles of Brazilians, but the ones who post we can almost count on our fingers, it's always the same faces and that's bad in a way.

These people come to Hive with very high expectations, I believe that web3 is new to many people and when we talk about getting paid per post, they must think it's something easy and instantaneous and unfortunately it's not. This is a point that I've learned and understood better and today when I try to do an onboarding I like to explain everything straight away, because if they stay it's because they really liked it and understood how things work.

Finally, organic engagement is the best way to really grow, the more we can participate and leave a bit of ourselves in each comment and interaction, this certainly makes us stand out in this sea of great content creators, which is why lately I've been focusing a lot on networking, I think it's the healthiest way forward.

Again, thank you very much for mentioning me and it's an honor to be able to help the community in some way! Thank you so much!

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