RaceValley - Upcoming P2E Crypto Project On Hive

Upcoming Racing game on HIve.png


RaceValley is going to be a play2earn car racing game on Hive. Currently, there is a blogging contest to giveaway Ignition containers which is the first collection of cars. If you play Splinterlands, they also have a private tournament where you can win Ignition containers. If you want the code for the tournament, you need to join the discord!

To be honest, I am a team member so I can't win this contest. This post will be mainly for trying to get more exposure for RaceValley and setting a good example for the kind of posts we want to see in the contest. Please don't just rewrite everything from the whitepaper and blog posts. We want to see your thoughts and suggestions on what you would like to see from RaceValley. I will be writing with the perspective of my gamer/investor side and giving my genuine thoughts on this project to avoid any bias since I'm a team member.


How Did I Find Out About This Crypto Project

I found out about this game through @s0nikkukun. S0nik is actually a friend I made through Splinterlands. Unfortunately, he quit Splinterlands but we still stayed in contact and he introduced me this project since he's one of the developers. He actually invited me to be a team member and how could I say no. I have a lot of faith in S0nik in developing this game.


Thoughts On Interesting Points On Whitepaper

Parking Spot + Fuel

source: RaceValley

You need to have a parking spot for a car to race. Everyone is given one for free not tradable one at the beginning. There will be ways to get them as NFT's and they will be sellable on a marketplace as well. The game also has a fuel system which is like an energy system if we compare to other web3 games like Splinterlands and Axie Infinity. The interesting part about all this is you can only recharge fuel if you have a parking spot. I feel these parking spots will be probably one of the safest and best assets to own because it has the best utility for the game.

Cars & Tuning

source: RaceValley

The types of rarity seem to be pretty in line with other games; there is common, rare, epic and legendary. Something interesting though from this section in the white paper is the road attributes. There are five different attributes (Asphalt, Cobble, Mud, Grass and Grovel) and certain cars will perform better on a certain road attribute. With this in mind, I think I will probably get a car for each attribute. I also think this is a great idea because it means that one car upgraded enough won't just be able to dominate every race.


Cars have a level that is attached to the player who owns it. This level increases as the player uses the car, but it resets to 0 if the car is transferred to a new owner. Players can loan cars to other players, allowing them to use the car to race and increase its level without the owner having to play. If the owner chooses to allow loanings, they can set a revenue share for the rewards earned by the loaned car. For example, if a player loans their car to another player and sets a 50% revenue share, the rewards earned by the car will be split equally between the owner and the borrower.

I like this idea with the levels and how it resets to 0 when it transfers to a new owner. This will make people have more of an emotional attachment to their cards and would make it possibly heartbreaking to sell all their hard work in leveling up their car. It's also cool how we will be able to loan cars to other players within the game and have a profit sharing model for those that don't have starting capital. This will make it easy to implement scholarships because it's built into the game and borrowers won't have to worry about not getting paid etc.

Star Rating - AKA Upgrading

To upgrade a car, a player must have three additional cars of the same model and star rating. This means that a player must own four cars of the same model to upgrade one of them.

This is also a brilliant idea. Honestly, this will reduce the car supply which will make cars more valuable and from my experience, the first set of stuff from most games will have a fairly lower supply than future ones. As the game grows, there should be a be higher supply for releases so if you're one of those that get in early you car could see an appreciation in value since you need to burn the same model and star rating to get it at the best performance possible.

And for those who want to get rid of their parts entirely, they can choose to "burn" them into RUSTY, effectively removing them from the game

I like this feature too. It seems like we will be able to burn car parts that can be used to help the cars stats to RUSTY. I always like the idea of features that create a cost benefit analysis for people that play the game and would love to see how people plan to utilize this feature. Unfortunately from reading the whitepaper, I didn't see anything about being able to upgrade the parts so we can only swap with old parts but the old parts will be gone. I would love to see the developers implement something similar with the star rating to parts as well.


Teams is the word for guilds in RaceValley. Teams will add that aspect to have friends to enjoy the game together and compete against other teams. This is really great in building a friendly competition as a group. I feel most people wouldn't enjoy playing the game alone. It's nice to be able to have friends to talk about the game with and teams will help with this in my opinion.


Thoughts On Tokenomics



RaceValley adopts a two token system. One is Bolt and One is Rusty. This is similar to what Splinterlands is now with SPS and DEC. Bolt is the main token like SPS that will be used for governance. Bolt will have a 300,000,000 supply meanwhile Rusty has an unlimited supply. Bolt will be able to be staked to earn rewards and some of the supply is allocated into rewarding players for good performances in-game. Rusty will be like DEC where it will be mainly used for things like upgrading and marketplace. This marketplace will have 5% transaction fees.

Basically, every time you earn RUSTY by playing, it's actually Unpolished RUSTY. You can use this Unpolished RUSTY in the game the same way you use RUSTY.
But you can only deposit and withdraw RUSTY. To convert RUSTY into Unpolished RUSTY, you must "polish" it.

What really got my attention in this token system is about Unpolished Rusty. I find it interesting how players have to polish their Unpolished Rusty in order to withdraw their earnings. It gives another cost/benefit analysis as if players choose to polish their Rusty they will lose 50% of their unpolished Rusty; which is a 10 day process at 10% each day. Since it costs the same to upgrade cars whether it's Rusty or Unpolished Rusty, it's going to be a tough decision to choose between upgrading or withdrawing earnings.

I find Unpolished Rusty to be a fairly innovative idea. I also think this will help stabilize the economy. I've seen a lot of play to earn games crash and burn due to mainly people extracting earnings from the game. I believe this will give players look at the game for more of a long-term view to enjoy and also be able to earn but the earnings won't just come instantly. It will take time and effort building up a strong car collection.


Concluding Thoughts

I'm super excited to be part of the RaceValley team. If I'm not wrong, this will be the first play to earn car racing game on Hive. There are many interesting decisions players will have to make when playing this game and growing in this game. I see a lot of potential and I hope when the game releases, it will surpass everyone's expectations. RaceValley is still early and I hope you do take some time to do some research yourself and see the potential for yourself.


Thank You

Anyways that's all from me! Thank you for taking your time to read and I hope I was able to excite you to do some research on the project.

If you're interested to learn more about RaceValley do check out these social media links below.

Website: https://racevalley.io/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SgDfFwwBHx
Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.racevalley.io
Hive Blog: @racevalley



Thumbnail made using Canva some images taken from Racevalley to make this thumbnail
Images taken from @racevalley

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