RE: Play2earn the income source of future generations?

I'm not playing any games at the moment :(
I played Cryptobrewmaster, got about 2000 CBM there.

I spent more and more time on that game and earned less and less. I practically had to keep investing, and the result of beer sales was always the same or even less than the investment. I have quite a few rare cards there but I can't sell them because now only citizens get a license to sell or I would have to buy a citizen for 1000 ASH.
And I got to the point where I had had enough of everything, the time I was playing there could have been spent somewhere else. I quit, took off the 2000 CBMs, which at that time, a couple of months ago, was about 30 HIVE.

I started playing the game because I'm a beer lover, but I make a lot more money writing the BeerTasting blog than I do playing Cryptobrewmaster.

Oh, I just remembered, I'm currently playing /if it's even a game/, Ape Mining Club (doesn't require any effort or constant play) and I have 7 APE there, which is now about 8.5 Hive.

Yes, I agree that this current buzzword "Play To Earn" will have a role in the future, but I don't think it will be the only way to make money, nor even the most important one. Just as the gaming crypto sphere is evolving, so is the financial sphere, as well as the decentralized architecture sphere - a huge amount of revenue-generating services are expected from the SPKnetwork and all those who will participate in it.

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