Exciting times for those who don't have bank accounts!


It came to my attention this morning that NatWest are now limiting their customer's ability to transfer money from their bank account to crypto exchanges and with everything else going on right now for banks in general (they are collapsing) it seems clear this is nothing more than damage limitation.


All for our own safety of course.

Now where have I heard that one before?


Personally I haven't had a bank account for over five years now, fully aware of what was coming so I have no fear whatsoever of the imminent collapse, but most people are not in the same position as myself. To be fair I have had to set up a Revolut bank account in my partner's name in order to periodically convert crypto to euros and spend it in the usual manner but over the last few years we have moved all our savings to either cash, crypto or selected physical items and we are no longer reliant on the banking system at all to look after our assets.

CBDCs will be presented as the solution to the coming total collapse but the truth is quite the opposite because central bank digital currencies will be tied to their failing counterparts while at the same time trapping people into pre-programmable rules, such as limits on what we can buy and the speed at which we must spend it.

If you are wondering how the Great Reset is going to look for your current bank account, then look no further than the Bank of England who announced last month that "Britons would be limited to 20,000 digital pounds ($24,000) each if the country goes ahead with a digital currency" source

So what happens to the rest of your money if you are lucky enough to have more than this amount in your account at the time of the Great Reset?

Money above the cap would be "swept" into a customer's commercial bank account given that a digital pound would not be a means for storing wealth

Interesting use of wording don't you think? What does "swept" make you think of?


That's right. Rubbish which is no longer required.


While the banks will no doubt assure you that your millions of dollars/pounds/euros (whatever fiat currency you can think of) will be safe in their "customer's commercial bank account" what will you do when all your favourite stores & friends no longer accept the 'old' kind of money?

It is no secret that the days of cash (paper money) will soon be behind us and the only way to spend money will be the digital way.

And this my friends will be the great leveller for rich and poor alike, all of us in the same government controlled boat, paving the way for a new world of total tyranny disguised as our best way out of this shit-storm created by the same people who now seek to profit from it.

Well, I say "all of us" but that's not really true is it.

While the spending power of fiat currencies continues to drop year after year, due to the endless 'printing' of money...


...the king of crypto coins looks rather different.


Yes, it is still young but once you truly understand what it represents, you know it is a safe investment.

It is no coincidence that the biggest spot volume in bitcoin's history happened this month, right alongside all the banking FUD.


The new billionaires will be crypto hodlers, with access to ALL their money at all times, no questions asked. And if they are wise they will be holding coins like Monero which are untraceable, unlike bitcoin which is highly visible to those who seek to tax you for your foresight.

With all of this said, a portion of your assets should also be in a physical form, because the coming advertised cyber attack will likely eliminate the internet for a period of time before it is re-launched anew. This period will be testing for those who believe crypto alone is their way out.

I am of the opinion that you don't actually need money at all. Only knowledge and skills which are relevant to our changing times.

See this post from a few years ago which lists the kind of skills I am talking about.

Okay, I think that's it.

These kind of posts are rare for a reason.

I would much rather be writing about electroculture but in the interest of educating those who still have all their savings in bank accounts (yes mum, I'm talking to you) the above words felt necessary in this moment.

You still have time to get your money out and turn it into something which has genuine value while remaining in control of how you spend it.

But not for long.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 20.38.33.png

LOL ;)

All unsourced images are made by myself and the midjourney bot or they have come from a private telegram group run by @waykiwayki in which I also found this great short film showing exactly what we can expect in the future.

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