How Cryptocurrency can Save Business in Nigeria.

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Nigeria, a home of over 200 million people. The most populous black nation on Earth. She is blessed with vast mineral and human resources but Businesses are dying in her with a lot of her people suffering. She is proud to be one of the major crude oil producers. One of her vast resources which is a major source of fund that have impact seriously on her peers in the terms of infrastructural and human development which are boost to their business and tourist sectors of their economy.

Cryptocurrency have come to stay with great potentials to enhance the financial sectors of the economy especially on the methodology of the traditional banking services. Banks are saddled with the role as the umpire in the economy of the state as their wonderful services like lending, investment, savings, etc impacts positively on the several units of the economy including business development and growth.

As one of the major hindrance to the growth of business and startups in Nigeria and other part of the world is the unavailability of Capital. Capital is necessary for business to thrive and expands which make the question of how to get capital and loans are serious and burning topic as well as the ultimate function of bank so as to save the business enterprises and the economy of Nigerians not be bankrupt.

Just like Traditional banks, Many crypto projects and protocol offer a decentralized financial services which are enhanced form of financial services and projects which includes lending where businesses can access money at ease and promptly. On this DeFi projects, Crypto-backed loans are offered with lowest interest rate which is far better that what traditional banking can give and sustained. Easy accessibility of fund promotes business growth and speedy its rate of expansion with ease. Lets explore more on the advantages of crypto based loans as lending from crypto projects over the traditional banking services and projects in Nigeria.


Nigerian Banks and their counterparts in other countries conducts extensive credit checks and history of their clients to ascertain their worthiness for loans. When the borrowers are credit worthy, their application will be granted and approved for loans. This checks or research takes hours and days. If the borrower which is a business owners is in small scale category, he/she suffer a lot and might even be denied without any trail. I was a victim and have experienced this injustice. But, Crypto is saving me as Defi projects and exchanges offers loans without well detailed research or checks. Loans are approved as far as the client have being using their services or have a stake of any crypto assets. There is no fear to be entertained as in banks as those assets can serves as collateral and enable the borrower to get loan promptly and easily. Businesses with limited credit history or collateral can secure loans from the services of many crypto projects while bank can shun such business which can affect those business negatively.


Loans should have friendly with flexible payback options so that the business owners can easily manage their cash flow and their business capital. Nigerian banks insists that payment will be in fiat currency and never accept cryptocurrency. There is little or no grace period as overdue payment will be added. but DeFi projects have flexible repayment plans which can be in fiat or cryptocurrency depending on their borrowers' preference and market conditions. Which makes it friendly and economical. The flexible repayment plans offered by DeFi projects attract more clients and ensures business growth and stability.


Transaction details on blockchain techology which powered cryptocurrency are recorded, immutated and presented in public ledger. This function promotes trusts and business growth as details are secured and transparent before the partners involved. Unlike banking sectors, with millions of naria spents, stealing, hacking and other criminal activities are happening. Many are in pain, shock and dismay as they can lost their money within a seconds. Many business like mine are crypto powered which are more secured and tranparent.


Major of business here depend on foreign partners and industries. Tertile, cosmetics, pharmacetical and industries are not working optimally in Nigeria so there is more importation of goods and services where local businesses depends solely.

Traditional banking sectors in Nigeria encounters several challenges in conducting a stressless financial transaction across the border but with crypto services, such transactions are conducted instantly and effortlessly with full confidence in a decentralized manner.

Every business needs capital and other logistics to thrives. Huge capital promotes business growth and expansion. But accessibility of such capital are limited and difficult with serious risks. But Cryptocurrencies offer a greater chances in accessing of loans and conducting of transaction within the clients and parters, no matter where they can be found.

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