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Data is the new oil : Put it all on chain

If you know me, you will know that I love gossip. I am sure a bulk of you are wondering what is so special about thread that I find myself there. There are many things to talk about, and 24 hours a day is no longer enough for me to keep up. Today, I will share a highlight.

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Have you met @ronnie10? I don’t know if he is a guy or a lady. All I know is that I enjoy reading his threads and leaving a comment. We usually have a full conversation on anything we could think of. Then try to find the winner of the arguments. Some days I win. Some days he does.

I win more than he does, lol.


Here is the thread that sparked an interesting conversation in the morning;

When I saw that thread, the first thing that came to my mind was, "He must have been annoyed by such an insinuation". I went ahead to satisfy my curiosity and asked him. It turned out I was right.

The thing is social media algorithms can piss you off and sometimes, they can show you something you really want to see at the moment. Ronnie said, his algorithm seemed to never do that for him. Instead, it shows things he is not interested in.

It was at that point that I reminded him that he gave it the notion that he loves such content.

He might have had a certain period when he was down and he needed some reassurance and the content showed up. He clicked or even watched for a few seconds. His media assistant thought he loved that and started shoving the rest at him.

In my experience, he could correct it by watching and looking in newer directions. His media assistant will look and realize, my boss is changing interest, let's serve him what he wants.

Facebook is my go-to place for videos. My discord friends know I love kid-related content. My feed has been bombarded with them for a while now. Until I started talking about losing weight and eating less. I shared with Ronnie that a few days ago, I paused to watch a fitness ad, and my feed has been altered.

It wasn't my Facebook that got altered, My YouTube too. @caleb-marvel has been doing a great job of feeding our #leoshorts feed with funny videos. I had been watching and laughing my heart out. Little did I know that those that came from YouTube would suddenly turn to my new feed.

Yes. It did. My YouTube feed is currently being bombarded with funny videos and I know exactly what their intent is.

To draw me from threads to YouTube!!! Not going to happen!!!!


Since our little experience helps you understand how your social media algorithm works, you might want to know that the INLEO team is currently working on that version of the algorithm. The difference is that although the algorithm feeds you things you would love to see, you get to earn from that.

It is no longer capitalism eating away at you. It is going to be a two-way thing. You gave the AI your data through your activities and interests, the system repaid you. They have a lot in store, and I am not in the right place to tell you all about it.

The little I know is that as owners we have work to do. The AI won't work on its own. To get a glimpse of what I mean, read/listen to what @taskmaster4450le had to say on the topic;

Did you see that? We need data to train our model of AI. It will not fall from the sky. It will come from being a part of the system. Contributing. Liking. Reading. Threading. Replying. Sharing shorts. Using tags. And any other fun/educative thing you can think about.

As I speak, anything and everything is accepted. The more the merrier.

If you think I am lying. See what Khal had to say

What are you waiting for? Stroll to threads and let's gossip about anything and everything

PS: This is today's episode of Why you should be on threads and this post is best viewed through the INLEO frontend