RE: Community DAO owning property would give value to Coin price?

I think you are putting too much emphasis on to the DAO. A DAO is a great tool to manage a large decentralized community.
What you are trying to create is a small centralized, localized community.
You may need a DAO sometime in the future but currently it is overkill.
There are many solutions you can look at for example the first and best DAO is being used by Decred. The DAO Decred uses has been separately developed and can be used independed of Decred.
However for a centralized small community paper contracts are much easier to maintain then a DAO. There are going to be more alternatives in the future and DAOs will get better and easier to use. For now I would concentrate on other stuff if I was you.
You should in my opinion start with defining your community. There are great blueprints to be found at IC:
For example is your community going to be based on Socialism or Capitalism?
Check out the link and see what others have done.
I will be keep following your progress.

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