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New Tribe Alert: Dunk Social

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new tribe that I have been working on:

Dunk social


This will be a basketball focused tribe here on Hive with content from leagues all around the world!

The Goals:

  • Provide a tokenized community for basketball fans around the world to engage on and generate value from their knowledge and opinions using a mainly proof of brain model of distribution.
  • Provide a space for basketball related debate, betting advice, contests, interviews, and more.
  • Onboard people into the Hive community that are not necessarily knowledgeable on cryptocurrency.
  • Create a token that is spendable on popular basketball-related sites and video games.
  • Provide a place to post and discuss highlight videos from basketball games via 3speak integration

The Users
Users of this platform will come from all over the world and the barriers to entry will be nonexistent. Anyone who knows about or would like to learn about the sport of basketball is invited to participate in whatever way they see fit.

This platform will be publicizing a lot of documentation that aims to simplify and explain the onboarding process to Hive. There will be a large focus on transparency in that documentation to allow for easy replication of the tribe building process.

This platform will seek to be a model for bringing users into the Hive community.

The Inspiration

This tribe was inspired from conversations with @taskmaster4450le regarding a lack of space to express basketball opinions in a niche way here on Hive. While he was thinking the platform would be more successful as an individual team's blogging space, I did not want to limit the topical focus of the prospective audience.

The tags on the platform will have the option of being focused on a singular basketball team, but also the option of posting to a general feed of basketball-related content

The Roadmap

June 2021: The launch of the platform. There will be an airdrop to existing members of the community that have supported my journey thus far; details for this will be announced by May 24th.

July 2021- October 2021: Run numerous marketing campaigns via Twitter and in personal social networks in order to maximize engagement ahead of the 2021-2022 NBA season. During this time we expect continuous growth in network engagement and content creation as more people begin to join the site seeking rewards and content.

October 2021-June 2022: See large network growth with the NBA season in full swing. During this time, many contests will be run to increase engagement on the site including possible aspects of community-run sports prediction initiatives and engagement contests based on individual NBA team engagement levels on the network. During this time it is our hope that we will see increased engagement regarding international leagues and players to foster 24/7 engagement on the network.

July 2022 onward: Seek affiliate marketing status from the NBA. Seek engagement from individual NBA personalities and teams. Integrate with existing blogging networks to allow for their content creators to share on and off chain.

Release Details

The tentative release date for the platform will be June 1st

The URL for this platform will be

Thank you all very much for the support I have gotten thus far. This process has been a bit confusing in all honesty, but it is coming together at a great rate. I am looking forward to watching this network grow and bringing in hundreds of users that may not have otherwise found a place on the Hive blockchain.

▶️ 3Speak