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Checking In On Cub Finance

Cub token.png

Today I saw a post about Cub Finance and it has honestly been a while since I have been on the site. I was unable to keep my investment in Cub, but still believe in the mission and will be stacking some Cub weekly after I pick up a full time job in October.

The price of Cub has taken an absolute beating over the last month:

I don't quite understand why this happened. I think that maybe people didn't quite know what to think of the CakePop IDO mixed with some general downward price trends in the crypto world. I don't think that this valuation is very deserved as there is a ton going for the platform and it has really only taken steps forward thus far.

Cub is currently trading at around 46 cents and with an all time high of $4.734 on Coinmarketcap (I remember seeing it much higher before it's listing on there, maybe well over $10) there is plenty of room to go up in the future.

The Cub Kingdoms are still paying great APR rates:

Obviously once again not financial advice, but there is a ton of passive income to be made on this platform and I truly believe that the team will lead the project in the right direction going forward. Hopefully the next IDO's go well and different adjustments are made in order to have the platform gain as much traction as possible.

I look forward to getting reinvested in the Cub project and urge anyone that hasn't done so to give it a bit of research!

@mariosfame gif once again, I love it:

@sgt-dan with this sick pic:

@gr33nm4ster made this awesome gif I needed to share, we thank him as well!:


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Who I am:
My name is Rob and I am a college student doing my best to get involved in the crypto world. I have enjoyed blogging thus far and thank you for reading my article! Give me a follow and let’s build the community together through consistent engagement