Family Bought CUB

Today something amazing happened. My cousin bought Cub.

When you are the developer, you can run a private instance of a bot under a different name.

We both bought some SafeMoon, a literal shitcoin. It went up then started going down and I took out my initial deposit and bought Cub with it, because what else is a man supposed to do? My decision to sell wasn't because of the fact that the price went down, but instead because of how the official discord reacted to a small change in price. They locked up channels and stopped communication. Of course this is 100% a pump and dump designed to make the developers of it rich, but eh as I said in my last post, my cousin got me into it so I was fine with it.

But after I sold and bought Cub, he was interested in what it was and decided to buy in too. And so he put in $115 into Cub. I did a P2P trade for some BNB and the trader was pretty cool and gave me some extra BNB so thank you mysterious stranger.

It was pretty cool what had happened. Someone who has so little experience with crypto buying into a coin because I bought it. I told him to check it out himself and that I wasn't recommending it to him because shit can go down and I don't give recommendations because of that. I helped him buy some CUB and then told him to stake it in a den because thats probably the best way to hold CUB.

Then he gave me a question that I found quite intriguing:

If I were to give u $1k and tell u to invest it into crypto or whatever crypto wise, how long before u start making 1k a month off it u think? Without putting in more money

I honestly had to think. I thought maybe get a GPU to mine and earn crypto with. That could do it. The how long part of the question wasn't the interesting part but instead it was how I'd get to there. I honestly have no idea. My final reply:

what i'd do honestly: $200 into bitcoin. $200 into cub. $200 into hive. $200 cash. $200 into random shit.

I'm going to put the bulk of the money into shit I already know. Hive and Cub. Cash is there for dips and to buy more during then. And of course gotta buy them shitcoins from time to time. Gotta have fun right? What would you guys do? I'll be interested to find out on everyone's answer to this.

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