
Pangolin ($PNG) is a dex that runs on Avalanche , if you take a look on it's website the design is very similar like was uniswap at the very beginning.

I'm not gonna talk that much about Avax but I would like to say the bullish I am on it cause there is a big step that these innovative network is building, the high scalability, secure , the amount of TPS that can support , fast transactions and obviously very low fees.

When PNG have launched , all those holders of Uniswap or sUniswap (sUni is used to track the price of Uniswap by an oracle) got an airdrop of PNG tokens, who could expect that? It's easy but I'm not seer haha, but the main reason is to create awareness to the people that don't know more worlds than Ethereum and Bsc, and attract them to pangolin.

Something that I would like to highlight is that when they did the Uniswap airdrop, people went like crazy to sell them, partly logical, it was a matter of hours before they dumped the price to buy cheaper for the release of tokens, at the same time the evolution of uniswap was amazing in the following months since the volume that started moving in a high scale and only in a matter of one- two months it was starting to move incredible amounts, something similar I think will happen to pangolin, take a look at these two graphs;





An important case I would like to mention is that the token hasn't originally distributed to third parties so these gives more involvement and control to the community.

Did you notice the growth of AVAX in last months? As I always think, usually history repeats , there is always a first one who creates an idea, and then another one that improves it , so when we were at the ethereum we bridge our tokens to bsc to pay low fees but what was the problem on bsc? Many times Binance has prevented ethereum withdrawals, and that's why I think many investors are moving on a real-transparence and decentralised projects like PNG on Avalanche. again, if you don't have 100 % control of your money why do we continue here? So I decided to move out...

Today these dex is running farms with same issued tokens like in ethereum an avalanche thanks to its own bridge, so the system is quite similar, you buy your LP tokens as a liquidity provider and get your rewards in PNG.

A disadvantage I see on Pangolin, is its big competitors like Uniswap, pancakeswap, shushiswap, apeswap and another one that is running on avalanche as well Trader Joe, I have a feeling Pangolin will go ahead Trader Joe but it's my only opinion (marketing and partners questions).

Another disadvantage I see is the way of buying its token, you can actually buy $PNG token by gate.io, or the same dex, but for some people is quite difficult arrive to buying PNG because they need to do these steps. First of all you create a new wallet on Avalanche or just connecting your cold wallet, in these wallet you will have three adresses, X,P and C;

X: where you can trade
P: where you can stake to the primary network
Y: you can interact with smart contracts

Then transform tokens from wallet X to C to interact with a smart contract and then send it to your Avalanche network already installed in your metamask, seems harder than it is, but people need easiest ways to get PNG, It very obvious that is just a matter of time they list in big exchange like Binance, Kucoin, Bitmex, ..etc, so these will bring many new investors/holders to Pangolin.

I like to look on numbers and compare a new project with an existing one, lets say in next year these masses are moving from ethereum to avalanche network (IT'S ALREADY BEING NOTICED), because they won't continue paying high fees on ethereum network, and also cause they prefer using a transparence network where they get cheap and faster transactions.

Mcap: 90.997.360 US$
Circulating supply: 49.023.888
Total supply: 538.000.000

I like to use Marketcapof.com for doing these tasks, but let's say some day pangolin will reach the marketcap of Uniswap:

We can compare as well with pancakeswap, will see an awesome price anyway;

Something I didn't talk about, few days ago Pangolin have launched staking png to get avax during three months, after these you will get png rewards, so what I'm doing is staking a generous bag of png to get these beautiful rewards in avax and just hold them for a long time ;)
I don't really think these will happen on the next months (or maybe yes who knows) but a realistic price por PNG and taking a look on it's supply , 50$ iS realistic price in a near future, as always do your own research, DYOR AND STAY PANGOLIN!



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