The Self-Help Market is Out of Control...!

I recently bought a book on Amazon called 'Atomic Habits', the general gist being that if you have a vision of how you want to change your life then the way you get there is my making very small changes on a daily basis rather than trying to make EPIC changes.

It's about starting off by doing just 2 press ups tomorrow rather than committing to an hour in the gym 6 days a week from tomorrow and so on.

I bought this (it hasn't arrived yet) as it's actually something I agree with and so thought it might be worth a read, also there a just a couple of aspects of my life i'd like to improve RN, or maybe a few - principally I want to spend more time cleaning the house on a daily basis, and somehow try and find time to start the allotment this year, basically DOING MORE PHYSICAL STUFF...

I've been telling myself that i should do this for about a year now, but still not actually doing it!

Don't get me wrong I'm doing OK with the workouts and the yoga, but somehow I find myself drawn back to the online world too often!

I thought this book would probably help with a few tips to kick start me.

Anyway, before ordering this on Amazon for £9.99 I took a dutiful trip to Waterstones to see if I could pick it up there, but for £17.99 NO FUCKING WAY. Sorry but my commitment to anti-corporatism doesn't go that far!

Anyway, while in Waterstones I had a look at the self-help section, and unsurprisingly it has got even more out of control than last time I checked - I like to keep track on this...

Jay Blades has a self-help book...


ERR.. WTF...? If I want my grandma's clock fixing then fine, I'll take it to his workshop, but spiritual advice, errr NO! He's basically chill because he's now earning a small fortune and status as a media personality, so he has NOTHING to teach me.

Eddie Hall also has a self-help book..


ERR.. WTF....? If I want to watch people lift heavy objects then fine, I'll tune into Eddie's YouTube channel (in fairness it is very entertaining!) but spiritual life lessons, err, no!

Again here's someone who can be chill because he's mangaged to leverage one World Strongest Man win (JUST) into probably over £!M in earnings via clever management and now he, like Mr Blades, is SORTED, again because he's a media personality.

Do these books really benefit people...?

I mean surely people don't buy this shit thinking these people have anything to teach them...?

These books are nice little side-earners for them, probably worth a few extra grand this year in their pockets, but honestly if I want spiritual life lessons I'll go ask a fucking monk.


Or maybe these are really just mis-categorised!

Honestly probably these are more like auto-biographies, but I don't care enough about either of these media personalities to bother to look inside, I don't know them!

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