SPS Giveaway + Delegation Winners!

What Is SPS

SPS is the new Splinterlands governance token. Its currently available for purchase on the Hive-Engine exchange and other exchanges as well. You can get airdropped SPS tokens for holding Splinterlands assets. For a complete run down of the airdrop rules click here.

SPS Giveaway

I just so happen to have some Splinterland assets. That means I was lucky enough to have got an airdrop of SPS tokens yesterday. Since this SPS airdrop takes place daily for a year straight I'll be getting more SPS airdropped to me today. If you are holding Splinterlands assets you will likely get some SPS airdroped to you as well. If you are not holding Splinterlands assets I urge you to ask yourself the question,"Why Not".

Today I will be giving away one SPS token to five different accounts who take the time to leave a reply in the comment section below. Your comment can be about anything but must have some substance to it. Some topic suggestions: Tell me about how you learned about Splinterlands. Let me know about your favorite card game. Let me know how your day is going. Tell me about your recent investments. Five winners will be choosen in Seven* Days.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Game Play in which give prizes that have monetary value are being played daily. You can start playing or investing in Splinterlands today by clicking here.

LOD Delegation Winners

Level One LORD ARIANTHUS@solaiman
Level One LORD ARIANTHUS@cryptoph0823
Level One LORD ARIANTHUS@pixiepost

Congrats to @cpol who won Last Weeks Raffle and has earned themselves a free two week delegation of the amazing card known as LORD ARIANTHUS. The two Splinterland players in which he tagged in the orginal contest (@solaiman and @cryptoph8023) will be getting a two week delegation of a Level One Lord Arianthus.

I decided to toss in a bonus winner so @pixiepost will also be getting a free two week Lord Arianthus delegation (Level One). The delegations are gntd for two weeks and can/will be removed at any point after the two week duration is up. Congrats to all the winners I hope the delegated card helps bring you many wins in the Splinterlands arena. Delegations will be applied within 48 hours.

SPS Price Displayed On CoinMarketCap


Splinterlands Total Market Cap: $63,684,160

Graph and market cap taken from Splinterlands official discord channel

Watch A Splinterlands Battle Below


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