Splinterlands: The End Is Near.....

Splinterlands: The End Is Near.....

At most we have just over two weeks (17 Days) left until the presale of Rebellion Booster Packs conclude. I say at most because presale could end sooner due to the 500,000 booster pack cap that is put on the Rebellion pack presale. This means if all the remaining presale booster packs sell before the end of these 17* days we are going to be met with a Sold Out image until its time for general sale. Luckily General Sale Booster Packs will be the same price as presale booster packs but (and its a big but) won't have all the goodies attached that presale is offering top purchasers. Such as: Design your own Summoner (Top Six Purchasers)/ Earn Titles (Top 250 Purchasers) plus the exclusive presale NFT's. Currently (10/31/23) there is just over 200,000 Rebellion Presale booster packs that remain for sale in the official Splinterlands shop. For those who are planning on participating in presale but haven't yet I would just like to say, "its best to get your bag sooner rather then later. Who knows (not me or you) how many whales might be waiting around the corner to make a big purchase. I do know that there are a handful that are positioning themselves for that top six spot." On the other hand you might still have the full 17 days to make your decision. Risk vs reward (in the end its all up to you).


Lets Create Some CHAOS

Perhaps you aren't in a position to jump on the Rebellion train just yet but would still like some packs. If that is the case you might want to look into CHAOS packs that are purchasable on the secondary markets (Hive-Engine/Tribaldex + Many Other Dex's). Currently a CHAOS Booster Pack can be purchased for under $0.80 USD. No that isn't a typo (Yes you can purchase booster packs for $0.80 or less). Put in the terms of HIVE that would be a current (10/31/2023) cost of roughly 2.35 HIVE Tokens. I am absolutely flabbergasted at the affordable price of CHAOS Packs. If the HIVE tokens USD value goes on a run upwards and the USD of these CHAOS packs stay the same I very likely am going to be picking up a bunch more to add to the thousands I already have. This way I can dollar cost average to bring my total cost per booster down. Its a crazy time to be a Splinterlands player/investor; opportunity is everywhere but there is risk.

Recent CHAOS Trades

Remaining Rebellion Presale Packs

Looking for more content to read. Below you will find some of the most recent content created by @rentmoney. Click the highlighted link to visit each one. A small description will be left below the highlighted area that gives a brief idea of what each post contains.

  • Splinterlands Booster Pack Cost
    The above post discusses the cost of boosters purchased directly from Splinterlands vs. the cost of booster packs purchased from secondary markets such as LeoDex and Hive-Engine.

  • Rebellion Pre-Sale (Time Is Running Out)
    The above post details the time left to purchase Rebellion Booster Packs might be shorter than you think due to circumstances you might not thought of. Visit the post for more details.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a play2earn game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets.

Watch A Splinterlands Battle Below

(Click the below highlighted link to do so)


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