Rebellion Booster Pack Winner

A handful of days ago I ran a giveaway for a Rebellion Booster Pack. To visit the original giveaway click the following highlighted link, Free Rebellion Booster Pack Inside. That giveaway has ended and a winner will now be announced. Before we do that let us give you a little info on what a Rebellion Booster Pack is. Splinterlands is a play2earn game that is hosted on the Hive Blockchain. Rebellion is one of the sets of NFT's (Cards) that are playable within the Splinterlands game. These NFT's (and others) can be used to win assets that hold real monetary value. Splinterlands has its own on-site trading platform (trading and gaming all possible from the same site). There are also many secondary markets in which you can trade your Splinterlands assets on including but not limited to Hive Dex's such as TribalDex and Hive-Engine. The Rebellion booster packs hold five cards (NFT's). Out of these five NFT's one is guaranteed to be a rare or better with each having a chance to turn gold (Gold cards are more rare and sought after by the Splinterlands community).

The Winner: @mistakili

As with the majority of my giveaways; to keep things as simple and fair as possible we use a random number generator to pick the winner. Congrats @mistakili the random number picker chose you as the Rebellion Booster Pack winner. Your prize will be sent to you within 48 hours of this announcement post going live. Raffle ticket numbers were determined by the timing of the participants entry comment in the original giveaway.

For this transaction I decided to purchase a Rebellion Booster Pack from the Hive Dex known as TribalDex. The current trade price is 9.95 HIVE.

Source: TribalDex

While I have TribalDex open I will go ahead and transfer @mistakili their Booster Pack. Doing so from the TribalDex site is a breeze. All one needs to do is click on their wallet > Go to your REBELLION holdings section > Click the Transfer Option > Place the profile name of the recipient > Enter amount you want to transfer > Click Transfer. Note that when transferring assets within TribalDex you do not need to place the @ in-front of the profile name you are sending any such asset to.

Source: TribalDex

Enter The War

The war for freedom will spread across Praetoria! Soon after the official release of Rebellion, monthly War Efforts will allow Battle Mages to contribute to the cause! Use Rebellion cards to support troops in the field. In doing so, win rewards which are exclusive to that monthly War Effort!

Rebellion will introduce the ability for Battle Mages to take part in the war!The Riftwatchers have worked with the League of Verico to outfit mobile wagons with the same summoning stations used in worksites throughout Praetoria. These wagons will allow Battle Mages to deploy summoned manifestations to support the war effort. By slotting cards to a wagon, the Battle Mage is essentially managing a team of “troops”. Every month following the launch of the Rebellion general sale will highlight a new battle location. The higher your contribution to that battle, the more chances you have at the Airdrop card for that month. Rarity, Levels, and Foil types all factor into your daily contribution levels. ONLY Rebellion cards can be used in the War.At the end of the monthly battle, collect your airdrop cards, then redeploy your troops to the next battle! The Age of the War Mage has begun. Learn More by reading the official announcement post: The Rebellion Is Coming


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