HIVE GOALS: Increasing My HIVE Token Holdings

It's been awhile since I sat down and created a post about my HIVE goals and this post won't review or restructure such goals. Instead this post serves as a way to motivate myself (and possibly others) to not only set goals but to put action forth to reach them. For this post I will speak on one of my main goals for my activities on the HIVE Blockchain. That goal is to increase my HIVE Token Holdings. To be more specific; to increase my Liquid HIVE and HIVE Power. I plan on doing this in multiple ways and one such way is by trading assets I already acquired on the HIVE Blockchain. I plan on doing this in a way that allows me to reach my goals and keep any trades within the overall HIVE community. I have sold zero HIVE assets to turn to other currencies outside of the HIVE Blockchain and I like to keep that same thought process intact. Thus nothing leaves the blockchain through my hands. When looking over my HIVE Holdings one asset sticks out the most. That asset is my Splinterland holdings. As many who frequent the HIVE blockchain know; there are many types of Splinterland assets (Cards, Land, SPS, DEC, Ect.). The one that made the most sense for me to trade for HIVE is DEC.


This is because DEC can be replenished without cost. After coming to this conclusion some months back I decided to sell the bulk of my DEC (Dark Energy Crystals). Weeks later I sold the remainder. Since then I let my DEC rebuild. Today I decided to check the USD value of DEC on the secondary markets and its currently sitting at $0.96 USD per 1000 DEC. That is very close to its $1.00/1000 DEC Soft Peg value Splinterlands values DEC at. I do believe we will see DEC at $1.00 USD on the secondary markets over the course of the upcoming weeks. Regardless of that potential gain I'm very happy with its current USD trade value. Considering it's HIVE Tokens I'm after, it's the HIVE trade value that interest me the most. Currently DEC can be traded at 0.00227 HIVE per DEC. For me personally (while considering today's market conditions) that is a rate that I am more than happy to trade my DEC for HIVE at. Its off to the Splinterlands site I go to transfer my available DEC to my HIVE-ENGINE wallet so I can make the trade. I decided to use the HIVE Blockchain very own DEX known as LEODEX to complete my DEC:HIVE trade. While visiting the DEC trade section I decided I would simply put a sell order in instead of selling directly. If it doesn't sell by the end of the day I will likely cancel and re-evaluate (very likely to sell directly into the buy orders).

Trade DEC At LeoDex

(04/11/2023 24hr Volume)

I had a total of roughly 140,000 DEC which if sold at my asking price will bring me a bag of roughly 317* HIVE Tokens. Not a massive amount but when one considers I did nothing to earn the DEC that I'm trading for the HIVE Token (the DEC was earned from rental income but that's a post for another time) one can't be nothing but happy for the gains. Another way I like to evaluate my trades is using my blog post(s) financial earnings range. Some one off weekly posts I create don't fall in the following category of rewards earned but for the most part my posts currently garner less than $10 USD worth of rewards each. 50% goes to curators which means $5 is the authors share of a post that earned $10 USD worth of rewards. $5 at today's HIVE USD rate of $0.42* means my post are currently netting roughly 12 HIVE after payout. That means this trade will garner me just as much HIVE as a months worth of posting does. No complaints about my posting earnings, any earning is a positive as I post for the fun of doing so more so than the rewards. But when considering trading assets earned for HIVE I like to calculate that trade in multiple ways. Days/weeks/months of posting value in relation to received HIVE for my trade is one of those ways. Have you set some HIVE Blockchain goals or some goals in general? If so don't forget to take action that help you reach them. Sound off in the comment section below about your current and future HIVE plans.

***Image Taken From ImageFlip/ Cropped & Edited by @rentmoney

Recent DEC Trade Orders


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