Free Raffle: 500 FREE SPT Tokens Week Two

SPT Tokens

If you're creating a Splinterlands themed post I highly suggest you use the tag SPT or post said content from the website is a front end that allows us to interact with the Steem Blockchain.

Why use the SPT tag you ask? Well because SPT is the official blog token for the game Splinterlands. SPT stands for Splintertalk Tokens and using the tag SPT will allow you to potentially earn some of those tokens. When creating/curating content on the Splintertalk site we earn all our regular blockchain rewards (Steem/Steem Power and SBD) and on top of those regular rewards we also earn the SPT token which can be sold/bought or traded on the Steem-Engine exchange.

It's Giveaway Time


Tag a monster maniac that you think would like to win some FREE SPT. If you win the raffle, 250 SPT will be sent to you and the other player you tagged will also be sent 250 SPT tokens. The sequence of your comments will determine your raffle ticket number. Please don't tag one of your alt accounts as that would go against the spirit of the giveaway.

I have some comment coin staked and will be using the #CC tag so anyone who comments should get a CC token sent to their Steem-Engine wallet.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands (also known as Steemmonsters) is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Early game release has launched and prizes are already up for grabs. You can start playing or investing in Splinterlands today by clicking here.

Total Splinterlands Market Cap: $4,159,299

Total Listed Price MarketCap As Shown By Peakmonsters

$ 4,798,448.59

Last Weeks Winnner

Congrats to @tsnaks who won last weeks SPT raffle and will be sent 250 SPT Tokens. Tsnaks tagged @handtalk5 last week so handtalk5 will also be sent 250 SPT Tokens. The tokens will be sent within 24 hours.


Posted via Steemleo

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