Free MEME Tokens Inside

What Is MEME?

HiveME.ME is a frontend that is used to access the Hive Blockchain. Creating and curating content on allows users to earn the frontends native token known as MEME. One can also earn the HIVE Blockchains native tokens (HIVE/HBD) while curating and creating content on The frontend allows for NFT creation and has an onsite market in which you can trade your NFT creations. Visit the official Site Here:

Some months back the owner of the MEME frontend was nice enough to toss me some MEME tokens in which I use for promotional purposes. Some of those MEME were used to host Splinterland tournaments. Other times (Like in this post) I hosted some giveaways on my Hive Blog (@rentmoney). I'll have to go back and tally up all the MEME given out to date as I want to make sure I hand it all over to you my readers and other MEMESTERS who frequent the Hive Blockchain.

What Can We Do With MEME?

Good question; MEME can be powered up just like you would your HIVE. Powering up your MEME gives you more influence within the MEME community. MEME can also be used to create your own NFT using the HiveME.ME onsite NFT creation tool. NFT creation is an easy and straight forward process. Simply go to HiveMEME's NFT Section and click on the word MINT. From there all you need to do is follow the instructions shown in that section. NFT's on HiveME.ME can be created in three forms: Audio, Image and Video. The cost to create your own NFT is just 600 MEME. Each additional edition costs 100 MEME. The MEME token can be traded on HIVE DEX's such as LEODEX, HIVE-ENGINE and TribalDex.

MEME Token Market


Trade MEME Token At:

MEME Token Giveaway

Are you hearing about the HiveME.ME frontend for the first time? Are you interested in creating your very first NFT. Have you already created one or more NFT's and would like to create another? Whatever the case might be here today I'm offering 600 MEME tokens to five different readers of my blog. That is the exact amount needed to create your very own NFT. Of course you are free to do with your winnings as you please and if Holding them is something you rather do than by all means do that. If trading them on one of the many amazing HIVE Dex's is your cup a tea than have at it. They are your tokens and you can do with them what you wish.

Giveaway Rules:

I know rules suck but without them there would be CHAOS. If you are interested in becoming one of the lucky winners who will win 600 MEME tokens all you need to do is leave a comment below. Comments with substance and/or have a MEME shared in them will be getting a MEME upvote from me (@rentmoney). Currently I have a whale size amount of MEME staked so even if you are not one of the lucky five who win 600 MEME each there is a good chance you will earn some MEME from my upvote on your comment. Winners will be chosen in roughly seven days time from this giveaways creation date.


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