How To Maximise Your Returns When You Are Inactive


I have been waiting to share about my Hive Power delegations and I think this is an opportune moment as well.

But before I do so, I thought I should also provide the background.

I will be inactive for most parts of August and some parts of September because I will be travelling quite a fair bit. So I guess it's also a good break for me since I haven't really had a good long vacation.

Since joining Hive in Sep 2021, I have been on the platform almost everyday and have been posting almost everyday as well. It has been a wonderful 2 years and it's also kinda scary that I will be away from this awesome community for such a long period. BUT this is surely not a goodbye because I will be back!

As someone who likes to plan a lot, I was thinking what I should do with my Hive Power during this 1 month or so, given that I wouldn't be able to curate posts. Letting them sit in my account would not be ideal because there are surely ways to generate some returns from there.

Converting HP to HBD

That was my first idea because HBD earns an almost unbeatable 20% APR. However, powering down takes 13 weeks so the timeframe isn't suitable for my situation.

Delegating HP to others

Naturally this was the next option. There were quite a lot of curation accounts that give returns based on HP delegation and I currently delegate my HP to these few accounts.


@liotes.voter currently have the bulk of my HP delegation because I have been following them for quite some time (if you look at the dates, it's the earliest!) and I think they have been doing a great job, updating the members weekly, and paying LEN tokens in exchange for the HP delegation on a daily basis. Also, they support good posts within the community and the top members in the Liotes ranking.

@ecency is no stranger to most of us given that they have a user friendly platform and on top of Hive, they give Ecency points for HP delegation as well. So that's a good bonus on top of the curation APR.

@youarealive is the project behind the ALIVE token which has a great solid community and members that also upvote good posts on Hive. I only started my HP delegation to them in Jan 2023 (as you can see from the screenshot) and have been increasing my HP delegation gradually. In exchange from HP delegation, you get ALIVE tokens in return.

@splinterboost is an account that curates Splinterlands-related posts and I am sure everyone who posts something on Splinterlands would have gotten their curation and seen their comments in the post. In exchange from HP delegation, they give Hive in return.

These are some of the projects which I personally feel are worth supporting for the good that they are doing for the community as well as the returns from HP delegation. Of course, I am sure there are many other projects as well and I am still slowly getting to know them.

Personally, I have mental allocation of 80% Hive Power for myself, and 20% Hive Power to projects that I like or would want to support. So this enables me to still have a good amount of Hive Power for myself while striking a good balance with supporting other project. The statistics are all transparent in my Hive account anyways haha!

Anyway, back to my situation, I did a rough check and I think I should be able to delegate out about 2000 more HP. So here's the breakdown that I plan to delegate during my absence in August. Do note that the numbers might slightly differ from the ones in the table below as it would be based on the actual amount when I am going off for my vacation in August.

AccountHP Delegation (1 Month)%

I have included two of my friends on Hive, @blitzzzz and @vaynard86, in this list because they have supported me a lot along this journey and I am very grateful to them. So here's just a small little gesture! Use the HP to continue to upvote posts that you like! :)

The objective of this delegation is to obtain curation returns, be it in the form of LEN, ALIVE, Hive or HBD, and then subsequently convert these returns back to Hive and power up to boost my Hive Power. I think that's a better approach to take when I am away for 1 month instead of letting the HP sit in my account and earn the basic 3% APR.

Finally, I just want to express my appreciation as well as to share my regret that I won't be able to upvote posts during this period for my friends, for people who are on my reading list everyday, for people who are in the PIZZA guild, etc. So appreciate your understanding on this! Hopefully I have a bit more HP after this 1 month and my vote power will be slightly higher when I am back!

So that's all I have! Let me know what are your thoughts, or if you have better options to recommend, feel free to share them in the comments below too!

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