$1000 Portfolio....

In short let's create an imaginary portfolio and keep track of it for the next few months. If the outcome turns positive than the dummy trade would be really worth it or else it would go in vain. Since this a dummy portfolio, I want to pint out dome facts and ways that I usually think before I jump into any coins or holdings for mid/long term. No financial advices here. I am just a noob ;)

Dummy Portfolio

Now comes the big question! How would we utilize the thousand bucks and what are we actually expecting from this initial investment. I always think about the exit plan before I dive into a coin. Which is how much profit I want to take and if I really want to buy in on this coin!


30% in HIVE ($300)

First pick for long term! Since this money will get stuck for a time I want to make sure I use it in the best way possible! If I could, I would have gone all in with HIVE atm. But for understanding the module I need to go this way. For starters I want HIVE in my portfolio. That even for a long term. As I have said countless times, how I want it and we all know where it would reach in the long run. The recent pump and dump provoked me to sell my HIVE and buy them back at a much lower rate. As resisting thyself in such conditions is pretty hard to get by. Nevertheless, this is it for now.

10% in Hive-Engine tokens ($100)

There are some promising things happening around HIVE. And no wonder HE is one of them. While HIVE is pumping there are some significant growth happening in those tribes/tokens. Which could be a big growth in long terms. The most active community atm which I can see are LEO, CTP, BRO, SPT, PAL and the latest edition CINE. Diversify as much as possible. Some of these tokens are still undervalued and might see a surge in the coming days. Which is why collecting them as much as possible.

20% in BSC ($200)

Now do not get me wrong. Since we are going to utilize the funds as much as possible I want to make them as diversify as possible. There is a saying, if you do not go according to the trend, you are going to be left behind. Which is why there are some big things happening in Binance smart chain. Various promising projects are being launched and if you can grab those good ones as an early adopter, things might change for good. So I would really take that risk and go with those for the moment.

$200 in Trading

I am aware, this is not much for trading. But since I want to keep myself updated with the current news of crypto, trading is the best suited place to do that. I would keep this money in such a way, that it would feel like it is gone. As trading can be such kind of stuff. So it is for granted gone. At least that way, I could do trades much more wisely.

Rest 20% in Liquid

Why is that? Since we all know all the above coins/tokens could go the other way around and if that happens (which is probably unlikely) but still to be on the safe side, if that happens this could help to dive in the dip or have a plan B. Nothing extraordinary but just a safe bet to be on the safe side.

This could be as safe as possible from my side. If I would have gone in with initial investment of $1000. There are plenty of flaws in the above selections, I am aware of that but come to think of it, it does works for me. As I can closely keep an eye on those selected coins and in their future developments. So it does depends on thyself and how you see the future of your holdings.

Do let me know what would you have in your portfolio, if you had $1000 to invest upon in crypto?

Image source : 1

Best regards

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