!!! How about this? - LeoFinance.io Ecency/Peakd Curators


Nota Bene right from the start: I'm not anarchist/revolutionary. I'm just disgusted.

Starting to have more ??? marks. TY for the notice, @onealfa

===>>> There are some lemons in #Hive and I'm not up for any lemonade.
Respect for all the curators doing their job professionally, fun, kind, engaging, and fair!

This article is not for cowards, partisans, or polemics. I'll only answer to those that stay "decentralized"

📣 I've read an article yesterday about the payments for posts that said posting on LeoFinance.io directly would be more effective and will help newbies like me get more out of their posts


👀 I've just noticed that I got paid for this article posted on LeoFinance on Ecency about half of it, the rest 50% went to the curators. Nice! Could you include that in the Leofinance group description so that we can have a visible option of choice when we first come or should we live in the dark until we notice it? There are communities that have done that and I appreciate them.

Here it is: Going to beneficiaries in ecency for this post, shows I'll get 100%. Then why do the curators get 50%?

👉 ATTENTION: the other articles posted directly on Leofinance.io by me got almost nada de nada, nothing, even if I have boosted or promoted them.

Talking to others that tried both ways, it seems this is happening for them also.

SO, you're paying curators on LeoFinance to USE CURATION ADVANTAGES TO VOTE THEMSELVES MORE THAN 50% FOR SUCH ALONG TIME, while we're blinking...once, twice and vote them, without knowing some could FK us hard in the short and long-term.

TY for the notice, @onealfa HERE! READ!

Follow-up. TIME is the second most important asset that I own. I cannot invest it in something faulty like this.

💫Once I find more advantages, I might engage more in #hive
If I find more time-wasting and robbing behaviors, I'll start creating content about this as an APPRECIATION token.

I won't promote or boost this post but I will make it visible online, where people just need to know, don't need to comment or vote


With a BIG Bleah!,


Thank you for reading!

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