RE: ⭐️All The HIVE DOLLARS This Topic Generates Is YOURS Week Thirty-Eight⭐️

Well all of this has come to light from an independent investigation since SPLINC starting offering deals which are actually included in the SPS white paper. SPS exchanged hands in marketing deals which bulldog was a part of. I can substantiate many of my claims so to say everything I am an eye witness to is untrue as well as things that have been revealed in audit seems to be a bit of a character assassination against me after I tried to make some good faith characterizations about him speaking in defense of struggling low ranked people. If I am making libelous claims, people are welcome to reach out legally to correct the record. I will appreciate the disclosure of such a court proceeding as it will give me access to more information. Many former Splinterlands players have reached out to me so there is information that I am privy to but can't reveal at this time. I have been doing my best to take a more nuanced and neutral stance and to understand both sides' perspective but its difficult when certain parties will just make blanket statements that everything I say is wrong rather than pinpointing exact errors. It's not like Bulldog provided any evidence. He just made a statement which could be true or false based on evidence. And you're just taking him at his word.

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