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Saturday Savers Club || The Importance of Quantifying Your Savings



It's Saturday! This means it's time to have a beer, but it's recently also been time to talk about savings and the importance of saving. At least, that's the impression I get from posts that pass by in my feed from supersavers such as @shanibeer, @bearmol and @phoenixwren. Two bears and a phoenix. Weird combination, but cool nonetheless.

These posts have placed the helpfulness of structuring your savings in a unique light for me, changing my perspective on the topic. Until now I've always been the saving type. But because saving, and therefore being somewhat frugal, comes automatically to me, I've never really bothered to quantify it into goals specifically. Globally I always have goals and thresholds, or a general direction I want to go into, but never specific. The threshold for my backup fund is pretty clear to me for example, but as long as I'm above that threshold I don't tend to set any other milestones or benchmarks.

That being said, I will try to join the club by quantifying at least a little bit of what I want to achieve, while not changing my chaotic nature in the process. Or else I might get sad. :(

So for this current year my primary goal here on Hive has already been set at the beginning of the year. But unlike many others, it's not a monetary number, so no dollars or tokens. But it is a number that will most likely impact my earnings indirectly. For those that may have already guessed it, yes I am talking about my Hive reputation. And my goal is to pass 70 before 2023 begins.

So far so good I would say, as we are already at 68.38

This doesn't mean we're almost there though. As some of you may no, the higher your reputation gets, the more difficult it gets to increase it. Literally an uphill battle. To increase it, I will have to be consistent throughout the year with my (daily) content. Something which I've been working at since January.

I see that some club members have also set a secondary goal. It also seems that a lot of this revolves around EDSM and EDS tokens, which I've taken quite an interest to. So based on that I will set a secondary goal of getting to 50 EDSM by the end of the year.

To kickstart this secondary goal, I just purchased and staked one of those. 1 might not do much, but it's a start nonetheless. Be sure to check out the eddie-earner account for more details on the Saturday Savers Club. See you all next week!

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