New Year | Same Financial Goals | More Focus



There's a new year at hand! And with that we move one step further from the viral situation that must not be named and ever closer to financial wins. These wins can come in different sizes at different times, but a win is a win.

It's also the time of resolutions. Sure, you can make a new resolution any time of the year, but psychologically that 365/366 day mark usually helps to give it a specific place. For me, I have no specific personal resolutions, but I do have some financial goals I'm always chasing. One thing I would like to focus more on this year is getting back into short term and mid term trading. The past years I've kind of taken a back seat and let the investments do their thing, but I sense a bull run coming, so being less rusty with the market might help with that.

Obviously, I also want to be more active here on Hive. With everything almost in place after the big move between countries, it's safe to say that I will have enough opportunity for this.



Whatever kind of resolution we make, I think it's important to be focused on a certain direction. This way we don't just wander aimlessly, not knowing where we might land. Especially in today's modern world, when anything random thing can knock you off your course, it's good to have two strong feet on the ground, whatever that may mean in your specific situation.

With everything reverting back to "normal" in the world, or in some cases the "new normal", I believe 2023 will be filled with even more opportunities than the previous one, and plan to take full advantage of that.

What about you? What are your plans for 2023?

Oh, and a Happy New Year! :)


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