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Cryptocurrency is not about getting Rich Quick, Passive Income is Where it's at


My friends or colleagues who know that I am into crypto in some form or another often ask me jokingly if I'm a millionaire yet. I jokingly reply "not yet". But in the back of my mind I know that this scenario is far off. Besides having a few strokes of luck in trading or having a large amount of initial capital, it's not that easy to become a millionaire in the known sense, that is in the common strong fiat currencies like the USD. The better approach is to slowly but surely build up an income stream, which generates completely on its own.

I personally don't need to be a millionaire, all I need is to be financially independent. Literally sitting on my ass and making money, or better yet sleeping and making money. That would be enough to not be dependent on a job with a fixed monthly income. Cryptocurrencies provide just those opportunities which you can get into with little to no initial funds, and build up from there. Eventually those passively flowing funds will give you the necessary opportunity to take riskier steps, trades and THEN maybe become that proverbial millionaire.

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