Dcity.io : Start of a new journey.

So after seeing too many tutorial's floating in and some suggestion from existing player @bala41288 ,I finally decided to add one more game in my list.

I already involved with splinterlands,Exode and holybread and adding one more game in my list does not look easy.I also want spare some bandwidth for crytobrewmaster too. But as a avid gamer in this blockchain (I was regular of Nextcolony too.) I decided to spare some time for dcity and give it a try as I read in many post it is not very time consuming game.

So I started by buying first edition card worth of 60 Hive.


And purchased second edition card worth 40 Hive.


This is how my city currently look like.


This is all good (green areas) in my city.


This is all alarming (red areas) in my city.


So,What should I do now?
Fixing the problem in the city should be the first priority and I guess there is 2 ways I can do it.
1.) Buy Cards from market that can negate the effect and turn them to the positive effect,thus increasing my income.
2.) Get rid of these card by trading/selling to optimize my profit without actually buying in new cards.

I am not decided yet and hopefully will take the decision soon. Any suggestions?

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